投資先生 與 Himalaya: Stories and Courses 使用情況與統計

投資先生提供完整的台灣股市、國外股票、基金、海外債券、國內外期貨及選擇權等豐富的市場行情。極簡的下單介面,易懂的圖像化資訊,是你投資的最佳管道,讓投資就像生活一樣簡單! 《智能選股好方便》 -智能選股:提供牛熊精選、題材、指標、K線、熱門與策略選股,六大選股方式讓你快速挑好股,投資就像生活一樣簡單。 -進階選股:提供多樣的自訂選股條件,交叉篩選出精選好股。 -專家嚴選:提供計量嚴選、法人金流動向丶月營收焦點與焦點放大鏡等。 《投資訊息一把罩》 -完整個股資訊:提供即時報價走勢、技術分析、法人、籌碼及主力動向、資券變化、營收表現與盤後資訊等多達十多種資訊,全方位掌握個股情報。 -相關商品資訊:整合ETF之成份股產業及商品資訊、個股之相關權證及期貨。 -專業研究報告:國內外即時財經新聞與市場投資研究報告,市場資訊一覽無遺 -用新聞看個股:新聞下方即可看文中提及之相關個股報價。 -同步投資節目:元大影音線上豐富的投資節目,讓你邊看新聞邊下單。 -漫畫小學堂、新手村:用看漫畫與遊戲的方式,讓投資新手輕鬆又有趣的了解市場相關知識、業務流程、法規,以及本身能承受的風險能力。 《圖像化資訊好簡單》 -K線選股圖像化,輕鬆掌握K線型態。 -庫存個股晴雨圖,個股概況一目瞭然。 -庫存損益圓餅圖,成本、報酬清楚明瞭。 -卡牌式智慧條件與策略單,隨時掌握下單狀況。 《便捷功能超快速》 新用戶免註冊、免登入,即可使用投資先生 APP獲得豐富的市場資訊。 -首頁捷徑自行編輯,連結慣用功能,快速又有效率! -報價列表中,點股名看個股資訊,點價格進入下單超方便! -下單頁結合五檔報價、分時走勢、即時庫存,下單就是要快、狠、準! -線上開戶與舊戶加開:一鍵開立證券、國外股票買賣及財富管理帳戶;舊戶還能線上加開期貨、股票借貸及雙向借券等多種帳戶。 -文件簽署、訂閱月對帳單、股東會投票與預繳圈存等集保作業,只需要下載投資先生APP,所有服務一應俱全。 《優質功能超貼心》 -定期定額 整合台股、美股、基金並提供多組投資組合,另外更提供基金定期不定額申購功能,可以根據淨值或指數的波動情況自行設定加減碼的投資金額 -熱門海外債 線上交易熱門海外債券,並提供配息試算功能,根據個人預計的投入金額迅速掌握預期報酬。 -智能條件單 包含證券與期貨條件單,搭配多元變化設定,讓你輕鬆設定條件,無須時刻盯盤。 -資產總覽與Fast ID 整合元大金控集團旗下子公司 (元大證券、元大銀行、元大人壽、元大期貨、元大投信) 」的資產項目,透過資料共享及Fast ID身分識別機制,實現一站式個人資產管理,大幅提升操作便利性。 免責聲明: 本公司所提供之任何資訊服務,均係本公司或合作廠商基於現況提供,且部分內容可能係合作廠商依據各證券交易所或其他資訊提供者之市場公開訊息或客觀資料分析製作。所有資訊內容僅供投資人參考之用途,不構成任何個人或機構之意見或判斷,亦不構成任何投資建議,本公司亦不保證其各項資訊内容之完整性、即時性及精確性。您若欲參考各資訊而進行任何投資或其他特定目的行為,仍應審慎評估後為獨立判斷,若因而導致任何直接、間接、附帶損失,皆應由您自行承擔,本公司概不負責。本APP提供之所有資訊内容均僅供考,不涉及買賣投資之依據。投資人在進行投資決策時,務必自行審慎評估,並自負風險及盈虧,如依本APP提供之資料交易致生損失,本公司不負擔任何賠償及法律責任。
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📚 Himalaya, a brainchild of Ximalaya 喜马拉雅, is an inspirational content app, featuring short audio courses and motivational stories. Get the insights that can improve your life, and work on your personal development. Listen to inspirational stories 📕 and work on your self-improvement with Himalaya. Get access to a whole library of inspirational short audio courses. Enjoy new motivational stories every week, and use your free time to learn from amazing biographical insights. Get motivated every day with a new Himalaya Story, then get ahead by learning from the credentialed experts behind our extensive library of audio courses. Expand your knowledge and work on your self-improvement. Listen to a wide variety of inspirational stories and educational courses. Himalaya Stories feature the biggest turning points from the lives of the most extraordinary people. Each story delivers an exciting journey with music and cinematic soundscapes, all in 10 minutes or less. Himalaya Courses cover a huge array of different topics, giving you the insights and new skills you need to succeed in your career and your personal life. Let our stories motivate you to get the knowledge you need to become the best version of yourself. Our stories are designed to deliver the most useful and important insights to help you achieve your personal and professional goals. And our courses are divided into bite-sized, actionable lessons from experts like Mark Manson, Arianna Huffington, and Tim Ferriss. Himalaya gives you the opportunity for a true self-improvement journey. Our stories will inspire and motivate you, while our courses will give you the skills and knowledge you need to set and achieve your most ambitious goals. Audio makes it easy to listen, and become part of a like-minded community making progress every day. Discover the best courses for self-improvement. Get insights every day to improve the quality of your life. Learn from the world’s greatest minds, and boost your practical knowledge to conquer personal and professional milestones. Get insights from famous people and their stories. Himalaya makes it easy to find what you need: explore our entire library of stories and courses anywhere, anytime. If you’re hungry for knowledge and self-improvement, we’re here for you. 📖 Inspiring Stories – hear about the biggest turning points in the lives of the most extraordinary people. 🎒 High-Impact Audio Courses - Let credentialed experts help you achieve your personal and professional goals 💡Ultimate flexibility – listen anywhere, anytime with a robust, intuitive app. ⌨️ Bite-sized content – Your time is valuable. Get inspiration and insights in ten minutes or less. 🧳 Learn your way – With over 30 topics spanning the personal, the practical, and the professional, you’ll have the tools you need. ⏰ Accessible – Listen to free stories and insights every day and unlock exclusive content at a no-brainer cost. 🌱 Immersive – With supplemental material and community helming a flexible learning experience, learning doesn’t stop when the audio does. Take these stories and courses wherever you go with our robust and intuitive platform. Enjoy the Himalaya community and unlock an exclusive network of like-minded, intellectually curious people just like you. Start your self-improvement journey now. Himalaya is an immersive learning platform that provides an extensive library of courses and motivational stories straight to your ears from the world's greatest minds. Fuel your personal and professional growth (self-improvement) with bite-sized and impactful lessons.
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投資先生與 Himalaya: Stories and Courses 比較排名

比較過去 28 天的 投資先生 排名趨勢與 Himalaya: Stories and Courses



各國 投資先生 vs. Himalaya: Stories and Courses 排名比較

比較過去 28 天的 投資先生 排名趨勢與 Himalaya: Stories and Courses




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投資先生 VS.
Himalaya: Stories and Courses

1月 18, 2025