StreetVoice 街聲 - 暢聽獨立音樂、演出活動通知 與 Teacup 使用情況與統計

StreetVoice 街聲-最潮音樂社群 StreetVoice 街聲致力提供獨立音樂創作人交流發表,積累能量,實現夢想的土壤。我們相信,在萬千資訊繁亂的年代,音樂人需要一個簡單純粹的地方,聚集同好,尋找知音,並且以此為家,來面對未來的世界。 我們期待為新世代的音樂創作者打造一個完整的生態系統,得以讓音樂在生活中萌芽,在現場中成長,在媒介中傳播;讓最新最好的音樂作品,「向世界發出聲音」。 用音樂向全世界發出聲音 ► 華人最大音樂創作平台 給愛音樂的你,愛創作的他。 隨時隨地,音樂免費收聽! 自由創作,隨時上傳| .提供空間讓創作者上傳最新原創作品。 .隨時通知新作品給追蹤你的粉絲。 .讓你和粉絲留言溝通互動討論你的創作。 樂評嚴選,聽見好音樂| .編輯推薦、達人推薦、Song of the Day ,為你每日推薦潮流新音樂。 熱門演出活動 | .追蹤音樂人最新活動通知。 .按下「我也想去」,安排你自己的演出活動行程。 即時排行榜| .每小時更新,隨時掌握台灣獨立音樂最新熱門與動態。 音樂分享不間斷| .獨家精心設計的街聲波音樂分享樣式,讓你一鍵搶先分享好音樂至 IG 限時動態,展現你的獨特品味。 專屬主題歌單| .各種星座、風格、時事歌單訂閱追蹤,隨時聆聽不漏拍。 時尚簡潔播放器| .聽音樂快速便利無負擔。 .動態歌詞:行動 KTV 隨時跟著唱。 .睡眠模式:定時播放,愛睡前聽音樂的人有福了。 .多種播放模式:隨機、順序、循環聆聽自由選擇。 .收藏喜愛的歌曲:建立自己的獨立音樂小宇宙。 漫遊電台| .街聲為你推薦你喜愛的相似音樂。 .音樂不間斷,發掘好聲音。 創作 / 聆聽音樂,了解更多有關 StreetVoice 街聲 StreetVoice Facebook Instagram StreetVoice 注重用戶的隱私和著作| 隱私權保護政策 著作權保護措施
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Imagine the feeling of being instantly among a small intimate group of friends, ready to hold space for you and be in community. As a result, you're always welcomed, with a sense of belonging, and among life-long learners like yourself. This is Teacup. Teacup is the first audio-only social app designed and built for lifelong learners and creators to share and receive wisdom and knowledge, and build intimate and personal communities. Here at Teacup, we call our spaces TeaRooms - virtual, engaging gatherings hosted by TeaMasters on various topics such as Lifestyle, Mind, Arts, Spirituality, Fitness, Fashion and Beauty, Relationships, Business, Wealth and more. Created for GenX and Boomers, and with interactive inter-generational discussions, you'll find yourself enjoying fascinating discussions or simply listening in as you do other things throughout your day. You get to make Teacup your very own, and we're excited to have you. We'll see you in the next TeaRoom. Things You'll Love: - Show up however you'd like and from anywhere worldwide, as Teacup is audio-only. - Receive TeaMaster recommendations to begin following those that cover your favorite subjects. - Discover new topics and discussions happening in all time zones. - Directly message your new Teacup friends and have chats outside of TeaRooms. - Easily add upcoming TeaRooms to your calendar. - Listen to previously recorded TeaRooms at any time. - Choose either listening-only mode or a talking spot in your favorite TeaRoom. - Create and customize your profile: add your picture, bio, and links to make it your own. - Grow a community of friends that feels like you've known them forever! Download Teacup, share with friends, and enjoy your new virtual space today.
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StreetVoice 街聲 - 暢聽獨立音樂、演出活動通知與 Teacup 比較排名

比較過去 28 天的 StreetVoice 街聲 - 暢聽獨立音樂、演出活動通知 排名趨勢與 Teacup



各國 StreetVoice 街聲 - 暢聽獨立音樂、演出活動通知 vs. Teacup 排名比較

比較過去 28 天的 StreetVoice 街聲 - 暢聽獨立音樂、演出活動通知 排名趨勢與 Teacup





StreetVoice 街聲 - 暢聽獨立音樂、演出活動通知 VS.

3月 23, 2025