富邦行動銀行(即將下架!!) 與 TimePipe Go 使用情況與統計

我們用心傾聽你的聲音,提供專屬於你的個人化功能 【富邦行動銀行5.0】 ◆我的銀幕我作主:免登速查超省力 ◆我的最愛再升級:常用服務一鍵速達 ◆邦你記:記的不是帳 而是你的生活點滴 ◆邦你存:存的不是錢 而是你的幸福回憶 ◆e家付:e家付 富一家 灌溉孩子的未來 【好用推薦】 ◆奈米投:智能理財夯!100美元就能佈局全球ETF!國外專家量身打造投資計畫,隨時掌握市場趨勢,自動調整投資組合,24小時線上服務全年無休! ◆快速搜尋:如何在茫茫大海中找到你需要的功能?好用的快速搜尋框讓你一鍵立馬找到服務。 ◆快速登入:誰說登入一定要輸入落落長的資訊!綁定行動裝置後,登入只要刷顏值、按指紋、劃手勢,讓你感受秒登成功的極速體驗。 ◆訊息通知:想要即時收到入扣帳或刷卡通知嗎?提供各項交易通知,含入/扣帳、刷卡、到價、網/行銀登入、優惠/權益等,讓您輕鬆掌握各項訊息。 ◆數位客服:諮詢疑難雜症嗎?只想文字溝通嗎?打字超快嗎?有以上特徵者,非用不可。邦妮提供您信用卡一鍵查帳五秒繳費、外幣即時匯率、優惠/權益內容,大幅節省您的時間唷~ ◆LuckyPAY:掃碼即可付款,不論是商店消費、繳費、轉帳通通有,除了LuckyPAY,「台灣Pay」商店也可消費喔!另外還可繳pay.taipei台北市各項生活費用喔! ◆首頁快用功能:只需要常用一二個功能?快將常用功能加入您的專屬首頁,以後只需點選首頁ICON彈指間即可完成交易。 ◆桌面小工具/Widget:功能再進化,快速交易小技巧!提供秀匯率、換外幣、LuckyPAY、轉臺幣、讀明細、查卡款、理刷卡、看存款、觀基金、問邦妮等快速交易。 【功能特色】 ◆存款/外匯/轉帳: 手機號碼收款,讓您免背帳號,收款更便利!無卡提款讓您不帶金融卡也可領錢,不限本行ATM!還可隨時隨地查詢餘額/看交易明細/台外幣轉帳/轉定存/換匯。 ◆繳款/費/稅: 帳單隨時付!不用到櫃台也可以輕鬆完成繳本行/他行信用卡款、還有水電瓦斯費、電信費、健保費、貸款、稅款等。 ◆信用卡/簽帳金融卡: 查詢帳單、設定各項信用卡優惠一指搞定!無論消費明細、設定分期、兌換紅利、預借現金、登錄道路救援、設定自動扣繳都可以線上完成;也提供活動登錄以及優惠連結,讓您可以隨時接收好康資訊。 ◆基金/投資: 投資狀況清楚明瞭!24小時基金及海外ETF/海外股票交易、還有設定滿足/停損/到價通知,讓您輕鬆理財、隨時掌握投資狀況。 ◆理財資訊: 全方位的金融理財資訊!利/匯率、投資商品資訊/報價一應俱全。 ◆資產負債: 輕鬆掌握資產負債狀況!提供您與本行往來的所有資產及負債明細,全面關注您的財務生活。 ◆貸款: 快速瀏覽各項貸款資訊!還可線上還款、查詢還款明細、貸款試算。 ◆保險: 24小時投保國外旅平險服務,提供熱門險種推薦,出發前1小時也可投保,自動預帶資料,申請快速又便利。汽/機車險投保服務,提供小測驗推薦最適方案,除了強制險,還有駕駛人/乘客/第三人等多元保障方案,選擇險種不費力,投保好輕鬆。 ◆其他貼心服務: 提供各種管道服務窗口,包含數位客服、分行據點查詢,讓您疑問速速解;優惠活動專區,幫您蒐集本行各式優惠活動訊息。 如有任何問題,請與我們聯絡,二十四小時服務專線:02-8751-6665。 為能提供更完善的使用者經驗,本行會利用Cookie或其他類似技術來了解使用者的使用行為。 台北富邦提醒您,建議安裝防護軟體及更新手機作業系統至最新版本,以提升您的行動裝置安全性。 當您下載本APP,即表示您瞭解並同意本行對於您個人資料以及其他資料的運用與政策。 台北富邦銀行【個人資料保護告知聲明】:https://www.fubon.com/banking/news/home/news_20140424_307968.htm
  • Google Play 商店
  • 免費版
  • 金融


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When you go on a new trip, the instant tour guide notifies you upon arriving at any planned stops,allowing you to review your progress and information of coming stops. At every planned stop, it could remind you scenes you must see, shops that cannot be missed, things to buy, stuffs to bring, as well as other information to remember. Besides the active notifications and reminders, TimePipe Go is also a smart consultant – providing you nearby points of interests, traveling time and directions between stops, as well as other information you may request. In case you decide to change your travel plan in the midst of the trip, don’t worry. The smart tour guide adapts to the new plan and notifies all your travel partners about the update. Moreover, it sets up a chatroom automatically from the start, allowing all travel partners to be in touch before, during, and after the trip. INSTANT TOUR GUIDE – instant guidance and instant inquiry: * Notifying of arrival at planned stops, allowing you to review the progress, and the coming stops * Reminding important information, e.g. scenes to see, shops to visit, things to buy, stuffs to bring * Inquiring traveling distances, time, and directions between stops * Searching for nearby points of interests, restaurants, restrooms, parking, gas stations, ATM …… * Supporting changes of plan amid a trip, notifying travel partners, and providing updated information * Automatically setting up a chatroom so all travel partners can be in touch TRIP PLANNING – copying from experts or starting from scratch: * Providing database of public travel plans, allowing you to explore plans shared by others * Allowing you to copy a plan shared by others and to modify it based on your own need * Of course, you can also design a brand new trip plan from scratch * Bookmarking trip plans in TimePipe Go or places of interests found through web browsers * Quick access of resources through bookmarks for trip planning * Smooth combination of travel plans and maps for overview and planning * Inviting family and friends to join a trip and to share the plan and any instant updates COMMUNITY AND SHARING – sharing your travel plans and build your fan club: * Sharing is bi-directional – you can explore others’ plans, and you can share your own with others * After returning from a joyful trip, you can enter valuable notes and turn the plan into a journal * Sharing your trip plan – while admiring your journal, people can also copy your plan and take a similar trip for themselves * You can sign up to become a follower of other travelers and get notified when they share new plans * You can build your own follower community – the more you share, the faster it grows * While others’ travel plans become your reference, yours can also be their guidance From trip planning, instant tour guide, to community and sharing, TimePipe Go converts you from a tourist to a tour expert!
  • Google Play 商店
  • 免費版
  • 旅遊與當地


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富邦行動銀行(即將下架!!)與 TimePipe Go 比較排名

比較過去 28 天的 富邦行動銀行(即將下架!!) 排名趨勢與 TimePipe Go



各國 富邦行動銀行(即將下架!!) vs. TimePipe Go 排名比較

比較過去 28 天的 富邦行動銀行(即將下架!!) 排名趨勢與 TimePipe Go




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富邦行動銀行(即將下架!!) VS.
TimePipe Go

3月 20, 2025