am730 | 每日新聞 & 生活資訊平台 與 TimePipe Go 使用情況與統計

am730 作為 年度香港 No.1 印刷媒體本地報章,多年來秉承求真精神,致力為你提供最新、最 firm、最齊的新聞報導。你可以隨時取得第一手新聞時事頭條,了解最潮生活資訊,參與每月由 am730 提供的 amJetso 獎賞著數活動。 即享 am730 資訊、娛樂合二為一的新聞閱讀體驗: 【全新《am730會員積分獎賞計劃》正式推出 amFun正式推出】 • 免費成為 am730 會員,參與會員專屬活動 • 每日完成簡單任務賺取amFun,密密用amFun 換走精彩禮遇 • amJetso為你集齊飲食、消費、玩樂著數優惠 • 參加amJetso送禮活動,玩簡單遊戲即有機會獲得豐富獎賞 【多元內容:一 App 睇盡各式生活資訊】 • 香港生活娛樂新聞:最新生活資訊同娛樂新聞,令你緊貼社會近況同潮流熱話 • 財經地產資訊:即時財經地產新聞,隨時為你更新股金市況、一手及二手樓市及直擊新盤資訊 • 消費及旅遊飲食優惠:am730為你搜羅全城最抵著數,食買玩都慳到盡! • 港聞、國際要聞、香港生活、健康、旅遊、地產資訊等,任你發掘最全面新聞內容及生活資訊 • 設有文章標籤功能,一鍵即可睇晒所有相關文章 • 收藏心水文章,閱讀更多關注資訊專題 【am 專題:深入分析報導,讓你了解社會及國際時事專題】 • am730 推薦不同頭條熱門時事專題,令你緊貼最新社會動態! 【am 專欄:多方面了解各界專家名人的觀點與角度】 • am730 匯聚不同界別的專家名人,讓你從專業角度了解議題! • 獨家 C 觀點專欄,由 am730 創辦人施永青撰寫,分享其獨特觀點 • 超過 100 + 專家名人坐陣,橫跨政界、商界、財金界、文化界等,多角度分享不同觀點 【即時新聞:緊貼每日時事,追上最新動態】 • am730 全天候即時新聞無間斷更新,為你匯聚各類最新資訊,掌握最新社會資訊話咁易! • 推薦最新熱門頭條新聞,讓你輕易追上最 Hit 話題 • 即時通知交通特別安排、突發要聞等重要資訊,確保你不錯過任何關鍵時刻。 【amTV:自家製作多元化題材內容】 • 多元化內容影片每日更新 • 自家製作不同類型的專題影片節目,由本地文化、生活潮流、品牌故事、人物專訪,以至旅遊、食玩買開箱、飲食、娛樂專訪、健康知識等,為觀眾帶來高質而有深度、有味道的體會。 【揭頁版:揭頁閱讀新聞,重拾揭報紙的樂趣】 • am730 電子揭頁版,讓你隨時隨地重溫 am730 印刷版報章內容! • 在手機及平板電腦上重拾揭報紙的樂趣 • 支援離線閱讀及下載 立即下載 am730,一 App 在手睇盡多元化新聞內容! 《am730》團隊務求為你帶來更佳的閱讀體驗,你寶貴的意見對我們極之重要。歡迎電郵至。 了解更多: Website: Facebook: Instagram: YouTube: Threads: 小紅書:
  • Google Play 商店
  • 免費版
  • 新聞與雜誌


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When you go on a new trip, the instant tour guide notifies you upon arriving at any planned stops,allowing you to review your progress and information of coming stops. At every planned stop, it could remind you scenes you must see, shops that cannot be missed, things to buy, stuffs to bring, as well as other information to remember. Besides the active notifications and reminders, TimePipe Go is also a smart consultant – providing you nearby points of interests, traveling time and directions between stops, as well as other information you may request. In case you decide to change your travel plan in the midst of the trip, don’t worry. The smart tour guide adapts to the new plan and notifies all your travel partners about the update. Moreover, it sets up a chatroom automatically from the start, allowing all travel partners to be in touch before, during, and after the trip. INSTANT TOUR GUIDE – instant guidance and instant inquiry: * Notifying of arrival at planned stops, allowing you to review the progress, and the coming stops * Reminding important information, e.g. scenes to see, shops to visit, things to buy, stuffs to bring * Inquiring traveling distances, time, and directions between stops * Searching for nearby points of interests, restaurants, restrooms, parking, gas stations, ATM …… * Supporting changes of plan amid a trip, notifying travel partners, and providing updated information * Automatically setting up a chatroom so all travel partners can be in touch TRIP PLANNING – copying from experts or starting from scratch: * Providing database of public travel plans, allowing you to explore plans shared by others * Allowing you to copy a plan shared by others and to modify it based on your own need * Of course, you can also design a brand new trip plan from scratch * Bookmarking trip plans in TimePipe Go or places of interests found through web browsers * Quick access of resources through bookmarks for trip planning * Smooth combination of travel plans and maps for overview and planning * Inviting family and friends to join a trip and to share the plan and any instant updates COMMUNITY AND SHARING – sharing your travel plans and build your fan club: * Sharing is bi-directional – you can explore others’ plans, and you can share your own with others * After returning from a joyful trip, you can enter valuable notes and turn the plan into a journal * Sharing your trip plan – while admiring your journal, people can also copy your plan and take a similar trip for themselves * You can sign up to become a follower of other travelers and get notified when they share new plans * You can build your own follower community – the more you share, the faster it grows * While others’ travel plans become your reference, yours can also be their guidance From trip planning, instant tour guide, to community and sharing, TimePipe Go converts you from a tourist to a tour expert!
  • Google Play 商店
  • 免費版
  • 旅遊與當地


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am730 | 每日新聞 & 生活資訊平台與 TimePipe Go 比較排名

比較過去 28 天的 am730 | 每日新聞 & 生活資訊平台 排名趨勢與 TimePipe Go



各國 am730 | 每日新聞 & 生活資訊平台 vs. TimePipe Go 排名比較

比較過去 28 天的 am730 | 每日新聞 & 生活資訊平台 排名趨勢與 TimePipe Go




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am730 | 每日新聞 & 生活資訊平台 VS.
TimePipe Go

3月 22, 2025