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Chestionare Auto DRPCIV 與 Adservio 使用情況與統計

Chestionare auto DRPCIV - Scoala auto Profita de solutia completa si compacta oferita de aplicatia ""Chestionare auto DRPCIV" care iti garanteaza sansa unei pregatiri complete pentru examenul teoretic auto. Usurinta si flexibilitatea cu care poti exersa partea teoretica a ceea ce inseamna pregatirea pentru scoala auto, iti asigura un succes aproape garantat in obtinerea permisului de conducere. Facilitati: 1. Chestionare auto - Teste Auto - intrebarile oficiale DRPCIV pe care le veti intalni la examenul scris - intrebari din multiple categorii de examinare : A, A1, A2, AM, B, B1, C, C1, D, D1, etc. - format de chestionare similar cu cel oficial - posibilitatea de revizuire a intrebarilor gresite - peste 2000 de intrebari oficiale din toate categoriile - teste auto oficiale drpciv(d.r.p.c.i.v.) 2. Mediu de invatare - mii de intrebari care pot fi parcurse cu usurinta - vizualizare intrebari per categorii - intuitiv - functionalitate de navigare rapida printre intrebari - reluarea intrebarilor in pozitia ramasa - parcugerea meediilor de invatare contribuie la un succes garantat in trecerea probei teoretice 3. Legislatie - Codul Rutier şi Regulamentului de Aplicare - OUG 195/2002 republicata privind circulatia pe drumurile public, actualizata prin OUG nr. 63/2006 - regulament pentru aplicarea OUG 195/2002 privind circulatia pe drumurile publice - principalele noutati cuprinse in legislatia rutiera valabila incepand cu 01.12.2006 - legislatia auto actualizata 4. Indicatoare/panouri rutiere/auto - descrierea detaliata a indicatoarelor rutiere - indicatoare de avertizare - indicatoare de prioritate - indicatoare de interzicere sau restrictie - indicatoare de obligare - indicatoare de orientare - indicatoare de informare - panouri aditionale 5. Rapoarte & Progres - rapoarte rata de promovabilitate - posibilitatea de urmarire a progresului - afisare detaliata a rezultatelor in urma testarii teoretice - colectarea intrebarilor raspunse gresit pentru analiza anterioara - posibilitatea de revizuire a intrebarilor chiar si dupa finalizare 6. Optiuni de configurare - dimensiune font - adapteaza dimensiunea fontului dupa nevoile tale - afiseaza sau ascunde raspunsul corect in timpul testarii - reseteaza intreg istoricul aplicatiei - pentru cand simti ca ai nevoie de un nou inceput Asigura-ti succesul in obtinerea permisului de conducere prin utilizare aplicatiei Chestionare auto DRPCIV chiar si in timpul liber. Pe baza datelor adunate putem sa confirmam ca in cazul unei rate de promovabilitate de peste 70% a testelor auto in cadrul acestei aplicatii sansa de reusita a examenului auto oficial este de peste 90%. Multa bafta!
  • Apple App Store
  • 免費版
  • 教育


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Adservio is the most easy way to come in contact with school information whenever you need and anywhere you are. With Adservio you can check online easily and straightforward: grades, attendance, insights, exemptions, homework and many more. To enjoy the complete experience of your Adservio account, The School must (make) use (of) the educational management platform. Join the clever students & parents community that is always connected to the inner school information. Use Adservio To: - be notified on every grade or truancy introduced by the teachers - communicate with the teachers, school’s principal and students - view the medical certificates and the excused absences - follow up/keep an eye on the scholastic development concerning grades and GPAs, as well as truancies - know if any remarks regarding conduct have been granted - receive and distribute all the teaching material needed for school For parents: - Straightforward and secure communication with the teachers of your child - Instant access to your child’s grades, GPAs and truancies - Real time viewing of the time table - Stats and progress charts on every subject matter - Photo albums and photo directory of the class - Online library - News and information from the educational environment - Access to the Extracurricular section - Access to the Conduct section - Answer polls and questionnaires sent by the school Principal or class teachers - User manual For students: - Immediate communication with your teachers and schoolmates/classmates - Instant access to your grades, GPAs and truancies - Real time viewing of the time table - Elaborate statistics and progress on every subject in real time - Photo albums and photo directory of the class - Online library - News and information from the educational environment - Access to the Extracurricular section - Access to the Conduct section - Create, send and answer polls or evaluation forms sent by classmates or teachers - Receiving and sending homework and (other) projects straight to your teachers - Receiving, loading and distributing all the teaching material straight from the account - Self-knowledge tests - The probability of being assessed on every subject matter - User manual
  • Apple App Store
  • 免費版
  • 教育


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Chestionare Auto DRPCIV與 Adservio 比較排名

比較過去 28 天的 Chestionare Auto DRPCIV 排名趨勢與 Adservio



各國 Chestionare Auto DRPCIV vs. Adservio 排名比較

比較過去 28 天的 Chestionare Auto DRPCIV 排名趨勢與 Adservio





Chestionare Auto DRPCIV VS.

3月 14, 2025