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- SportsVisio
- SportsVisio Vs. Pick-N-Play
SportsVisio 與 Pick-N-Play 使用情況與統計
See your basketball stats and automated highlights of all your plays. See shots made, 2pts, 3pts, rebounds, steals and more.
Our revolutionary new AI can automatically understand and track a wide variety of basketball statistics instantly. All you do is send your videos to us and then view the AI stats results in our SV Hoops App.
Bring pro-level clarity to your league, add another dimension to practice games, or take recruiting into your own hands by showing off your best plays and stats.
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Stop wasting your time driving to a court just to find out there’s no one there. Check the Pick-N-Play map to view active courts around you! Visiting a new city? Pull up the Pick-N-Play app and discover courts, fields, parks, recreational facilities, community centers, gyms, schools, and more around you. Check the court activity to see if there are people playing there or RSVP to let others know you plan to play there later! Automatically check-in as you arrive at the court to let others know you’re there.
Create and show off your custom team you created with your friends and hold your title as the best team in the area! Schedule games with your team amongst other teams. After your game, vote on the players you just played against and let others know their skill levels. Play to become the top rated player in your area! Visit your Skills Dashboard/Profile to see what other players think of your skills!
Create, host, and automate your own tournament. Want to find a local tournament to play in? Search for tournaments near you to register for. Also, coming soon, Pick-N-Play will be running a league to play in near you! Search for any age league and/or skill level and sign up!
Profile: Create your own player profile for others to view. On your profile, players will be able to view your teams, friends, history, and skills.
Player Voting & Skills: Once you are finished with a game, vote on the other players’ skills. Your vote will contribute to their “Skills Dashboard” on their profile. Other players will be able to do the same for you! Play to become the top rated player in your area!
Custom Teams: Make friends with other players! Invite your friends to the app and create “Custom Teams” with them to play games. In your custom team, you can play against other teams in order to see who is the best team in your area!
Find Courts: Looking for courts near you? Discover courts, fields, parks, recreational facilities, community centers, gyms, schools and more around you! Don’t see your local court on the app? Be the first to mark your new court for other players to enjoy.
Auto Check-in: No need to pull out your phone when you arrive at a court to let others know you are there. Automatically check into a court as you walk in, letting others in the area see that you are now playing at that court!
Scheduled Games: Don’t have time to compete in a league or tournament? Schedule games amongst your custom team with other local teams.
Run Pickup Games: Tired of losing track of who’s next on the court? Run organized pick up games wherever you are playing.
Tournaments: Create, host, and automate your own tournament. You can also search for tournaments in your area to register for.
Leagues: Coming soon! Pick-N-Play will soon be running a league to play in near you! Search for any age league and/or skill level and sign up!
Court Activity: Looking for other players on the courts? Click on a court from the map and check the “Court Activity” to see who is currently playing at that court and the court’s address.
RSVP: RSVP to let other players know which court you plan to play at later.
Competition: Want to win free prizes? Engage in competitions in order to meet other players and win prizes!
Contact Us: Feel free to contact us directly through the app if you have any questions, concerns, and/or feedback. We look forward to hearing back from you soon!
- Apple App Store
- 免費版
- 體育
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SportsVisio與 Pick-N-Play 比較排名
比較過去 28 天的 SportsVisio 排名趨勢與 Pick-N-Play
各國 SportsVisio vs. Pick-N-Play 排名比較
比較過去 28 天的 SportsVisio 排名趨勢與 Pick-N-Play
12月 15, 2024