菩提心-佛經佛咒佛學拜佛許願祈福 與 学佛祈福-品读佛经 使用情況與統計

佛音梵音,佛經咒語原文譯文。佛珠、木魚、念佛,供佛、禮佛,祈願、開運。修行者、禪修,佛弟子、學佛、法師、佛友共修,答疑解惑,助眠、疏解心靈壓力、開啟般若智慧。 佛經、佛樂、誦經:心經、金剛經、楞嚴經、妙法蓮華經、華嚴經、阿彌陀經、觀無量壽經、長阿含經、地藏菩薩本願經 主要功能有: 【佛堂】:佛堂禮佛,釋迦牟尼佛,藥師佛,阿彌陀佛,地藏王菩薩,觀音菩薩,文殊菩薩, 普賢菩薩,其他還可以供請三清,財神、關公,媽祖,土地公,黃大仙等。 【修讀】:佛教經書、譯文、咒語、善書大全,佛教音樂,抒情佛樂,有聲佛經咒語、梵音、佛教歌曲。如:般若波羅蜜多心經、地藏經、六字大明咒、大悲咒、往生咒、楞嚴咒、道德經、四書五經、三字經、弟子規等。 【念佛】:念佛計數,佛號播放,功德回向。 【禪修】:坐禪記錄,定時提醒。 【善緣】:佛友交流共修,發表心得感悟,大師答疑解惑,與智者同行,與善者為伍,弘揚正能量。
  • Apple App Store
  • 免費版
  • 生活方式


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Learning Buddhism and Praying for Blessing is a Buddhist application specially tailored for Buddhist practitioners who are interested in Buddhist culture. Through this application, you can learn more about Buddhism, accompany it at any time, cultivate yourself, read scriptures, copy scriptures, pray for blessings, pray for blessings, purify your mind, and find a touch of tranquility in this prosperous and exaggerated floating world. Cangjing Pavilion: Hundreds of classics and classics are completely free for you to read, leading you to comprehend everything in this world. Buddha Hall: Burn a scent of incense every day, stay busy with the name of the Buddha, and pray for good luck every day. Blessing place: pray for your relatives and family members, auspicious luck, love fate, happiness, family friendship, career success, everything can be prayed here, praying for blessings, and sincerity is spiritual. (Before the official prayer, you need to go to the personal center to fill in some personal information.)
  • Apple App Store
  • 免費版
  • 生活方式


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菩提心-佛經佛咒佛學拜佛許願祈福與 学佛祈福-品读佛经 比較排名

比較過去 28 天的 菩提心-佛經佛咒佛學拜佛許願祈福 排名趨勢與 学佛祈福-品读佛经



各國 菩提心-佛經佛咒佛學拜佛許願祈福 vs. 学佛祈福-品读佛经 排名比較

比較過去 28 天的 菩提心-佛經佛咒佛學拜佛許願祈福 排名趨勢與 学佛祈福-品读佛经



菩提心-佛經佛咒佛學拜佛許願祈福 VS.

3月 18, 2025