14 Şubatiçin Monash FODMAP Diet uygulama analizi

Monash FODMAP Diet

Monash FODMAP Diet

  • Monash University
  • Apple App Store
  • Ücretliler
  • Medikal
Researchers at Monash University have developed the low FODMAP diet and a corresponding app to assist in the management of gastrointestinal symptoms associated with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). The Monash University FODMAP diet works by swapping foods high in fermentable carbohydrates (FODMAPs), with low FODMAP alternatives. Around 75% of people with IBS experience symptom relief on a low FODMAP diet. The app comes directly from the research team at Monash and includes the following: - General information about the FODMAP diet and IBS. - Easy to understand tutorials to guide you through the app and the 3-Step FODMAP diet. - A Food Guide detailing the FODMAP content for hundreds of foods using a simple 'traffic light system'. - A list of branded products that have been certified by Monash as low FODMAP. - A collection of over 70 nutritious, low FODMAP recipes. - Functions that allow you to create your own shopping list and add notes to individual foods - A Diary that enables you to record food eaten, IBS symptoms, bowel habits and stress levels. The Diary will also guide you through step 2 of the diet - FODMAP reintroduction. - The ability to adjust units of measurement (metric or imperial) and activate colour blindness assistance.
Monash FODMAP Diet

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Şubat 14, 2025