National Portal of India

декабрь 2024

National Portal of India Market Share Analysis for декабрь 2024

The Government of India, also known as the Union Government or Central Government but often simply as the Centre, is the national authority of the Republic of India, a federal democracy located in South Asia, consisting of 28 union states and eight union territories.
Год основания2005
Сотрудники1001 - 5000
Годовой доход> $1B
National Portal of India
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National Portal of India Доход до декабрь 2024 составляет > 1B

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Доход от главных доменов National Portal of India

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Общее кол-во посещений основных доменов National Portal of India

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Средняя продолжительность посещения основных доменов National Portal of India

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Среднее кол-во просмотров страниц на основных доменах National Portal of India

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Система управления контентом (3)

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Медиа (аудио и видео) (2)

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НовостиIndia Tourism Development Corporation launched dedicated programme on Nov 30th '24.The Indian Federation of Culinary Associations (IFCA), a body of professional chefs in India, has joined hands with Trade Promotion Council of India (TPCI), a trade and investment promotion body under the department of commerce, Government of India, to launch a dedicated programme to create a pool of Indian culinary ambassadors in different parts of the world.
НовостиIndia Tourism Development Corporation partnered with Indian Institute of Technology on Jan 14th '25.New Delhi, Jan 14: In the on-going process of developing indigenous hardware for next-generation telecommunications technology 6G, the Centre for Development of Telematics (C-DOT), the premier Telecom R&D centre of the Department of Telecommunications (DoT), Government of India, has signed an agreement with the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (IIT Delhi) for the development of "Building Blocks for THz Communication Front Ends"for 6G.
НовостиIndia Tourism Development Corporation is developing Building Blocks for THz Communication Front Ends for 6G.Center for Development of Telematics (C-DoT) under the Government of India (GoI) signs an agreement with the Indian Institute of Technology-Delhi (IIT-Delhi) to develop the development of "Building Blocks for THz Communication Front Ends" for 6G.

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