NKJV Bible аналитика приложений для 22 февраля

NKJV  Bible

NKJV Bible

  • Oly Bible
  • Google Play Store
  • Бесплатный
  • Книги и справочники
The New King James Version (KJV) is one of the most famous Bible versions of all. The New King James Version (NKJV) is a more simplified version of the KJV without changing its accuracy. The New King James Version Bible is an English translation of the Bible. The New King James Version (NKJV) app is an easy-to-read version, and as a result, it lets children read the Bible and understand it on their own. The New King James Version app (NKJV) teaches us the parables of Jesus Christ, which are to emphasize love, compassion, and forgiveness. The app is also available as an audio Bible to benefit people who are visually challenged or have difficulty in reading Bible verses. Features: • DAILY VERSE - Once you set the reminder, you will receive day-to-day notifications to read your daily Bible verses. • MY LIBRARY - It is like the personal space of the user, as it contains all the highlighted points and notes you make from reading the Bible. You can also bookmark the verses that you love. • It includes both the OLD and NEW TESTAMENTS. • QUOTES - It has Bible quotes in the form of images and text that can be shared on social media with your friends and family. • WALLPAPERS - Many beautiful varieties are available, and you can download anything for free. • Miracle Prayer - It has many different prayers according to all our Wants, for example, morning prayer, bedtime prayer for healing,parent’s Prayers and much more. • VIDEOS - It has animated videos on so many topics, such as Jesus, Sad, Hope, Blessings, Alone, Wisdom, Motivation, Gratitude, Blessings, God’s Promises, forgiveness, healing and considerably more. • Social Media Post - Bible verses with images are available; you can choose your favourite verse and share it with your friends and family on social media. • BIBLE STORIES - Bible stories for kids are available in a separate folder. 10. Festive Calendar - It displays all the festive days. 11. LOCATION - It also gives recommendations about the churches Nearby. 12. LOG IN - You can log in using your email ID and password or use the app as a guest. NKJV Bible features: • The NKJV Bible is built by using clear and understandable language, and the Bible's message is also conveyed flawlessly. • The NKJV Bible (NKJV) is available in many forms, such as E-Bible, NKJV Study Bible, Devotional Bible, NKJV Audio Bible, NKJV Online Bible, and NKJV Offline Bible. • NKJV Bible’s clear and understandable language makes reading comfortable to readers who are new to Bible reading or who struggle with traditional translations. • The NKJV Bible includes many study aids, such as introductions to each book, cross-references, maps, and footnotes to help readers understand better and interpret the scriptures.
NKJV  Bible

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Лучшие категории и приложения, используемые пользователями NKJV Bible

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Приложения с высокой вероятностью будут использоваться одними и теми же пользователями, из одного и того же магазина.

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февраль 22, 2025