Bubble Level, Spirit Level аналитика приложений для 15 февраля

Bubble Level, Spirit Level

Bubble Level, Spirit Level

  • PixerApps
  • Google Play Store
  • Бесплатный
  • Инструменты
A bubble level, a spirit level, or a plumb bob is a tool used to check whether a surface is horizontal (level) or vertical (plumb). The Bubble Level Tool, Leveler app, also serves as a goniometer or a carpenter’s level, can be applied in construction, carpentry, photography as well as daily life. It mimics and works like a real level meter. It is very handy and useful to provide you with accurate results. The Bubble Level app tries to imitate the real bubble or spirit level and displays the phone’s data as a real level would. Where you need Bubble Level: 🖼 At home: Use the Bubble Level to perfectly calibrate and position the object if you need to hang a picture or a photo frame onto the wall, or assemble a shelf, a refrigerator or a washing machine. 🏗️ At work: This level tool is a must have app for horizontal and vertical calibration in fields such as construction and carpentry. 📸 In photography: It is a good helper if you want to set up a tripod. 🏕️ Outdoors: Don’t you think a tilted camping car or picnic table is annoying? The Bubble Level can help you place it horizontally. 🏓 Other situations: When you are leveling a billiard table or a table tennis table, or inserting a shelf, just grab your phone and use the app! How to use: -You need to find the center horizontal point of the item, just put the phone on the horizontal plane. -You need to find parallel lines and place the phone vertically next to the object This simple bubble level tool is small in size, easy to operate and accurate in results, it is your little helper in daily work! How to use: -You need to find the center horizontal point of the item, just put the phone on the horizontal plane. -You need to find parallel lines and place the phone vertically next to the object This simple bubble level tool is small in size, easy to operate and accurate in results, it is your little helper in daily work!
Bubble Level, Spirit Level

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Bubble Level, Spirit Level

февраль 15, 2025