Medical Park аналитика приложений для 14 февраля

Medical Park

Medical Park

  • Medical Park
  • Google Play Store
  • Бесплатный
  • Медицина
With Medical Park Application: Inspection Appointment You can make an appointment for examination from Medical Park hospitals and view your current appointments. You can choose our inspection branches according to your complaint. You can make a video call appointment, you can get a remote meeting with our physicians with the convenience of mobile payment. Check-Up Scan Packages You can review the contents of Check-Up packages according to age groups and purchase them through the application. Medical Report Results and Prescriptions You can access your medical results and view your laboratory and radiology reports as PDF files. You can store medical documents and documents in our application with the document tracking method. You can view your prescriptions and use reminder functions. By adding your relative (spouse, child, mother, father, etc.) you want to follow to the application, you can also follow the medical records of your relatives. Mobile Payment Ease with Your Phone You can securely purchase services from Medical Park hospitals and make your payments with the Mobile Payment option. Medical Park address and location information You can see Medical Park hospitals on the map, make phone calls and get directions. Moreover; With the Google Fit button in the application menu, you can share your data such as step, heart rate. You can see the closest pharmacies and pharmacies on duty to your address on the map and learn the directions. We wish you good health. Medical Park
Medical Park

Рейтинг использования Medical Park

Рейтинг использования основан на алгоритме Similarweb, который подсчитывает текущие установки и активных пользователей за 28-дневный период.

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Анализируйте шаблоны использования пользователей Medical Park, просматривая загрузки Medical Park и количество активных пользователей ежедневно с течением времени.

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Medical Park Статистика рейтинга с течением времени

Рейтинг использования Similarweb и рейтинг Google Play Store (Medical Park)


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Лучшие категории и приложения, используемые пользователями Medical Park

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Приложения с высокой вероятностью будут использоваться одними и теми же пользователями, из одного и того же магазина.

Medical Park VS.

февраль 14, 2025