Notepad - simple notes аналитика приложений для 14 февраля

Notepad - simple notes

Notepad - simple notes

  • atomczak
  • Google Play Store
  • Бесплатный
  • Продуктивность
Notepad is a small and fast notetaking app for making notes, memos, or just any plain text content. Features: * simple interface that most of the users find easy to use * no limits on note's length or number of notes (of course there's a limit to phone's storage) * creating and editing text notes * importing notes from txt files, saving notes as txt files * sharing notes with other apps (e.g. sending a note by email) * notes widget allowing to quickly create or edit notes, working like post it notes (stick a memo to home screen) * backup function for saving and loading notes from a backup file (zip file) * app password lock * color themes (including dark theme) * note categories * automatic note saving * undo/redo changes in notes * lines in background, numbered lines in a note * technical support * search function that can quickly find text in notes * unlock app with biometrics (e.g. fingerprint or face recognition) It may be obvious, but notes in the app can be used in many ways. For example as a to do list to increase productivity. A sort of digital planner to store shopping list or to organize the day. Notes can be put on the home screen as reminders. Each task could be stored in a seperate note or one big todo note could be used. ** Important ** Please remember to make a backup copy of notes before formatting a phone or buying a new phone. Since the 1.7.0 version the app will also use phone's device copy, if it's turned on in the device's and the app's settings. * Why do I advise to not install the app on an SD card? I follow the official advice to block installing on an SD card apps that use widgets. This app uses widgets, which are like icons for the notes, and can be placed on a phone's home screen (for example). If you have any additional questions, just contact me by email: . Thank you. Arek
Notepad - simple notes

Рейтинг использования Notepad - simple notes

Рейтинг использования основан на алгоритме Similarweb, который подсчитывает текущие установки и активных пользователей за 28-дневный период.

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Соединенные Штаты#17

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Анализируйте шаблоны использования пользователей Notepad - simple notes, просматривая загрузки Notepad - simple notes и количество активных пользователей ежедневно с течением времени.

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Notepad - simple notes Статистика рейтинга с течением времени

Рейтинг использования Similarweb и рейтинг Google Play Store (Notepad - simple notes)

Рейтинг использования
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Рейтинг Notepad - simple notes по странам

Графы, в которых Notepad - simple notes имеет наивысший рейтинг в своих основных категориях

Интересы пользователей & Топ-категории

Лучшие категории и приложения, используемые пользователями Notepad - simple notes

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Notepad - simple notes VS.

февраль 14, 2025