My Library (LCSD) против 知書Nowbook-電子書有聲書課程視頻 Использование & Stats

"My Library" (the app), developed and maintained by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government, provides a safe and convenient channel to access the services of the Hong Kong Public Libraries. Through the app, members of the public can: > access to and Management of multiple library accounts > viewing of transaction history > search, reserve and renew library materials > save and retrieve library materials in My Lists > check the addresses and opening hours of public libraries > locate the nearest libraries via GPS > use personalised alert services to receive notifications, including pick-up notices and due date reminders > search library materials by scanning the ISBN barcode > share the information of library materials to friends through e-mail, instant messaging tools and social sharing platforms > paying overdue fines and reservation fees by mobile payment services Personal Information Collection Statement 1. The personal data collected in the app will only be used for processing your library account or handling your enquiry. 2. The personal data required in the app include your library card number/Hong Kong identity card number and your library account password. Whether you store your personal data in the app is optional. If you have logged in with your Hong Kong identity card number, it will be converted and saved as a library card number. 3. The app will collect the device model, system version, usage and login records as general statistical data for helping the LCSD compile statistics or diagnosing system problems, so as to enhance the app and facilitate your use of our library services. 4. The app will obtain your location data via GPS and show you the nearest public libraries and any related information. Your location data will not be saved in the app. 5. The function of direct phone calling to branch libraries is provided in the app, but it will not collect any personal data. 6. The personalized library information notification service provided in the app will send the identifier of your device together with your alert messages to Apple Inc., from whom the messages will be pushed to your device. 7. The social media sharing function for library item information provided in the app will not release your personal data to any external parties. However, the privacy policy for handling personal data from other social media is beyond the control of LCSD and LCSD would not accept any joint liability. 8. The Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) is committed to ensuring that all personal data provided through the app is handled in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance. For details about the privacy policy of the LCSD, please refer to the website at the following URL:
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【應用介紹】 「知書」是香港首個以聲音為媒介的閱讀平台。集「讀」、「聽」、「學」於一身,滿足都市人對閱讀的需求,打造全新的閱讀體驗及場景,為讀者提供入耳、入心的知識服務。 作為聯合出版集團旗下各出版社的電子書總代理,收納本地及海外菁英華人的優質電子書,打造具華文色彩的香港第一電子書庫。 作為香港首個有聲閱讀平台,知書竭力打造香港本土化內容的同時,亦致力於構建大灣區最大的粵語有聲資源庫,以文化融合性及產品包容性吸納更多優質資源。 【重點內容】 【電子書】暢銷中文電子書,一手掌握最新資訊。 五千本港台好書任君挑選,每日持續更新 三聯書店、中華書局、商務印書館、萬里機構、新雅文化、香港教育圖書、香港中和最新好書極速上線 衛斯理故事珍藏版全集:“香港四大才子”之一倪匡筆下的經典偵探小說 蘇民峰玄學錦囊:面相、手相、命理,香港風水大師教你如何好運連連 【有聲書】把文字譜成有聲書,好書無時無刻聽。 我城:西西首部有聲書,十八位香港作家、藝人獻聲,認識香港的最佳途徑 新雅兒童文學名家精選:暢銷香港三十年的兒童故事,上百個優質音頻,有了它,孩子乖乖睡覺變簡單 我的父親杜月笙:上海灘大亨不為人知的家族秘事 喜馬拉雅知名粵語主播:李沛聰趣講歷史免費聽 上海譯文:譯文有聲中外經典名著,火遍全網的普通話有聲書全收錄 【課程】閱讀走進日常生活,隨時隨地自我增值。 香港中小學中華經典詩文多媒體課程:百篇經典詩文,中文名師帶你領略傳統文化之美 何文匯細說《箴言精選六十則》:粵語正音運動第一人的人生格言 識聽識講廣東話:香港大學名師拆解粵語學習重難點 品酒、品茶、養生課:行業專家教你如何健康且有品位地活出優雅 職場能力大提升:面試、溝通、創業、語言……KOL技巧大放送,助你成為人生贏家 【講書】解讀精品好書,聆聽名家之聲! 深入粵讀:粵語深度解讀中外名著、暢銷書,十分鐘聽懂書中精華 中日1500年交流史:傅高義講述《鄧小平時代》之外的又一經典作品 八千里路雲和月:白先勇用聲音緬懷父親白崇禧 錯誤:鄭愁予親聲朗誦、解讀,這首詩為何廣為流傳 流浪地球:劉慈欣親述中國科幻與科幻新紀元 愛在起跑線:陳美齡親授育兒之道,如何將三個兒子送進斯坦福 【視頻】兩岸三地名家專訪,帶你開拓閱讀新境界。 王家衛電影的“繆斯”:好奇尚新的文學巨匠——劉以鬯 愛情文學的不老秘方:深雪的情之所“摯” 影帝看香港:任達華鏡頭下的“別樣風景” 上海弄堂的“小女兒”:王安憶暢談寫作樂趣 屬於全世界的畫家:幾米二十年創作風雨路 知書技術開發由深圳悅馬數字傳媒有限公司支持
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март 15, 2025