RA Manager против PatientSpot Использование & Stats

NOTE: This app now integrates with the Health app so if you choose to also manage certain heart conditions and have an Apple Watch or other device that creates heart rate data, you can now send that data to your doctor through the app giving you full control over which data you send. No health data is collected or sent from device without you specifically doing it. Getting the Full Picture of Your Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) When you are living with Rheumatoid Arthritis, the RA Manager can help you manage the symptoms that affect you every day. Studies show that people with chronic diseases can positively affect their lives by using @Point of Care apps to track pain, medications, and more—giving a sense of control over their conditions. For many, the best part of using RA Manager, is seeing moods, pain, medications—even how often they journal—in colorful pie charts. When your health journey is presented this way, it is easier to spot trends, notice strengths, and identify areas of concern. When You Download RA Manager and Register, You Can: • Track your progress and symptoms by filling in the daily journal with its sliders and buttons and watch your data transform into easy-to-read charts • Manage your medications and treatments, including reminders • Use the photo upload feature to share visible symptoms with care providers • Connect to care providers so they can monitor your progress between visits and better understand how your condition is affecting you • Stay up-to-date with the latest information on RA when you access the “Learn More” section • In-app Help guides you through the features so you can get the most out of the app • Experience the new animated feature @Points Rewards and accumulate badges by using the app A Wealth of Medical Expertise Going Back to 1980 Our @Point of Care platform is an award-winning digital technology. It provides mobile, desktop, digital clinical answers at the point of care through Projects In KnowledgeTM. To be able to connect with you and share your HIPAA-protected information, tell your care provider to download our @Point of Care Suite App or register online at www.atpointofcare.com.
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The PatientSpot registry was developed to empower people with chronic diseases to fight back by participating in real-world, patient-centric research. With this app, you will be able to track YOUR symptoms, health and wellness using surveys, completing validated patient reporting outcomes questionnaires and using data captured by your phone (biosensor data) to monitor well-being. PatientSpot enables participants to also track medications, medical history and to share health information with care providers, family members, etc. at their discretion. PatientSpot has the ability to run on a smartphone App and on the web for PCs, giving participants the ability to stay connected whenever they want. Come join the fight and help others as you help yourself, track your health and use your data to help combat chronic illness.
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RA Manager VS.

декабрь 14, 2024