Safari Kid Parents против Arya Vidya Mandir School Использование & Stats

Safari Kid Parents App is the one-stop solution for all your communication needs with the Safari Kid International Preschool in India. In this app, you can not only get all the updates about your kid from the school but also pay school fees, track school bus and a lot more. There are multiple benefits with the Safari Kid Parents app. Some of the key benefits include Instant updates about attendance, get photos, videos and documents Check all the fee invoices at one place, get reminders and pay fees in a click using any payment mode without having to add the school’s bank account You can have two-way communication with the teachers and send any requests or queries Easily find all the information about your kid at one place Never lets you miss an event and go to school on a holiday morning. You can check the school calendar anytime and get timely reminders to help you plan ahead Get updates about your kid’s food, nap, diaper changes and any health-related issues Quickly find all the important information from the school in the digital notice board Get notified before and after school bus pick-up/drop and you can also track school bus live There are a lot more other benefits to using this app. So, don’t miss these priceless benefits. Download the app and log in now! How to Login Once your child’s profile is created in any Safari Kid International Preschool in India, you will receive an SMS and or email to your registered mobile number and email ID with your login details and link to download the Safari Kid Parents app. Your mobile number registered with the school will be your username and your password will be shared in the SMS/Email. In case, you have not received it, please talk to the school admin. You can get access to up to three parents/guardians. So, please do not share your credentials with your family members. For security reasons, the app allows you to log in to only one mobile device with one username. Note: While trying to login, if it says invalid mobile number or country code, it means you are not given access to the mobile number that you are trying to log in with. Please talk to your school admin to get the login credentials.
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The school engagement app is all you need to remain engaged with the school. For parents and students, it provides features such as Inbox (Homework, Messaging, Circulars, and SMS), Attendance, Profiles, LMS, Events, Timetables, and many more. For teachers and admins, it enables them to send Homework, Messaging, Circulars, and SMS via mobile, take Attendance, view student Profiles, LMS, Events, Timetables, and many more. Ensure your email and other details are up to date so you can receive notifications on email as well Please use the support button to communicate or raise any technical issues.
  • Apple App Store
  • Бесплатный
  • Образование

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Safari Kid Parents VS.
Arya Vidya Mandir School

декабрь 15, 2024