TrueAuth против AnonyMail Использование & Stats
TrueAuth provides secure & private authorization flows.
- Apple App Store
- Бесплатный
- Утилиты
Рейтинг магазина
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Want to get a coupon but the site requires you to enter your email to get it? Give them an AnonyMail address! Protect your privacy, security, and your inbox from spam by using temporary emails!
You can use AnonyMail on nearly every service on the Internet that requires a verified email address, ranging from coupon sites all the way to social media services you will only use temporarily.
AnonyMail is also built to be private. We do not tie your information to the addresses you generate or the emails you receive. You can read more in our privacy policy here:
- Apple App Store
- Бесплатный
- Утилиты
Рейтинг магазина
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TrueAuth vs. AnonyMail ranking comparison
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декабрь 19, 2024