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- Visit - Toledo Cathedral
- Visit - Toledo Cathedral Vs. Monasterio El Escorial
Visit - Toledo Cathedral против Monasterio El Escorial Использование & Stats
The TOLEDO CATHEDRAL chapter welcomes you to the CATEDRAL PRIMADA, one of the main heritage treasures of the world, "the DIVES TOLEDANA".
The Cathedral that you are now visiting stands in the same place that housed the first religious temple of the city in Roman times, and the later Visigothic basilica.
The same place where for 300 years the Muslims built their great mosque “aljama”, and which was once again readapted and consecrated to Christian worship in the year 1086.
The same place where two years later it received the title of “Catedral Primada”, for belonging to the first diocese of the former Kingdom of Spain.
Although the works on its current Gothic factory did not begin until 1227, under the archbishopric of Don Rodrigo Jiménez de Rada and the reign of Fernando III the Saint.
Since then it has been considered one of the main heritage treasures of the world, the rich Toledo "the DIVES TOLEDANA".
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Descubre con esta audioguía oficial el pasado y presente del Monaterio de San Lorezon de El Escorial, a través de vídeos, imágenes históricas, fotografías en alta resolución y piezas rodadas en 360º. ¡Podrás seleccionar el recorrido que más se adapte a tus gustos y tiempo disponible! Además, incluye subtítulos, vídeos en lengua de signos y audiodescripciones para personas con discapacidad visual.
Adéntrate en la “octava maravilla del mundo”, mención que, como El Escorial, han ido recibiendo posteriormente monumentos tan excepcionales como el Taj Mahal, la Estatua de la Libertad o la Gran Muralla China. Patrimonio Nacional es la institución encargada de preservar este valioso conjunto. ¡Esperamos que disfrutes de la visita!
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декабрь 14, 2024