Vanessa's Dumpling House против Meal DJ Использование & Stats

Order Ahead Order ahead and get your food without the wait! Menu Details Check the status of all dishes and place your order. My Orders Track your Orders and get real-time notifications your order is ready! My Account Check your Reward Balance, Order History and more.
  • Apple App Store
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Planning meals ahead of time and consolidating grocery shopping saves time and money and reduces food waste. Meal DJ makes it fun, easy, and collaborative. Key Features • Invite family, roommates, friends, coworkers to plan, shop, and cook together. • List the main ingredients for each meal, and Meal DJ will compile a shopping list for you automatically. Check off the items you already have on hand, and later, check off the remaining items as you buy • Not just for home-cooked meals! You can also plan and log restaurant meals, snacks, and events, and add leftovers for any of them with one tap.
  • Apple App Store
  • Бесплатный
  • Еда & Напитки

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Vanessa's Dumpling House vs. Meal DJ ranking comparison

Compare Vanessa's Dumpling House ranking trend in the past 28 days vs. Meal DJ


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Vanessa's Dumpling House VS.
Meal DJ

декабрь 14, 2024