SimuFísica против 3DPhyS : Physics Simulator Использование & Stats

The SimuFísica® platform offers an innovative collection of simulation apps designed to facilitate learning and research in Physics and other sciences. Ideal for high school and university students and teachers, SimuFísica® is a powerful tool for classroom support and self-study. Explore physical phenomena through dynamic and interactive simulations, or experience virtual labs that recreate real data from didactic experiments. With an intuitive interface and engaging visual experiences, SimuFísica® turns complex concepts into practical and accessible learning. Some of our simulators include: Projectile motion Ideal gas Gravitation Conservation of mechanical energy Forces and electrostatic fields Wave function propagation Charge in an electromagnetic field Virtual lab: simple pendulum Mass-spring system Electric motor Hydrogen orbitals RLC circuit Continuously updated, SimuFísica® is your gateway to explore the fascinating world of Physics in a practical and fun way!
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3DPhyS offers a fun way to learn physics using Physics Simulator! Localized the home scene into Japanese, English, Chinese, Spanish, German, French, Portuguese, Russian, Indonesian, Arabic, and Korean! Some parts are still in Japanese, but you can still simulate the game even if you do not understand Japanese! The following courses of experiments are available Free Fall Vertical projection Horizontal projection Oblique projection Monkey Hunting Bounce coefficient Object sliding on a slope Buoyancy force Frictional force Momentum conservation law for two-object collision (bounce coefficient) Momentum conservation law for splitting Circular motion Circular motion under gravity Single swing of pendulum Universal gravitation In each experiment, you can freely change parameters such as initial velocity and bounce coefficient! Please use this app to improve your performance! If you have any comments or typos, please feel free to contact us.
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SimuFísica VS.
3DPhyS : Physics Simulator

декабрь 15, 2024