Tousek TST100 против Macro Terminal CNC Использование & Stats

A simple way to setup and manage the TST100 Radar. TST100 is an industrial Radar specially designed for fast doors, equipped with Bluetooth connectivity. It is possible to configure and control the radar via this App.
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Welcome! For more interesting information and better quality pictures, please visit our website: Macro Terminal CNC is a powerful CNC simulator for CNC milling and CNC lathes machines with FANUC / HAAS controller as well as CNC routers.The core of CNC Macro Terminal is especially designed for this purpose interpreter with a built-in debugging process tool to execute and analyze CNC macros (Fanuc Custom Macro B). You should know that Macro Terminal CNC is the only CNC software in the world that shows all math and logic operations one by one, line by line (known as parse tree). All this makes Macro Terminal CNC the best choice for learning, debugging, writing and simulating CNC programs and macros and it gives the opportunity to better understand parametric programming. Please note that Macro Terminal CNC also supports G16, G52, G68 and Haas G70 Bolt Hole Circle, Haas G71 Bolt Hole Arc, Haas G72 Bolt Holes Along an Angle. Compatible with CNC controls: Fanuc 0(M/T), Fanuc 6(M/T), Fanuc 10(M/T), Fanuc 11(M/T), Fanuc 15(M/T), Fanuc 16(M/T), Fanuc 18(M/T), Fanuc 20(M/T), Fanuc 21(M/T), Haas and others using CNC macros based on Fanuc Custom Macro B. General informations about Macro Terminal CNC: - it works with most G-codes which means it's great for testing and learning typical CNC programming - executing CNC macros - reading popular system variables - fully compatible with Fanuc Custom Macro B and Fanuc-compatible controls (e.g. HAAS, SINUMERIK 802D) - math functions supported: sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, atan, sqrt, abs, round, fix, fup, ln, exp, pow - showing the assigned variables and colors the new assigned variables - showing a parsing tree (great solution for debugging and learn CNC macros - parametric programming) - running line-by-line (manually and auto-play mode) - CNC simulator (a graphical representation of tool path) XY, XZ, YZ (milling) and XZ (lathe) mode - 23 examples of CNC programs and CNC macro programming - mill/lathe mode - FANUC / HAAS mode - undo, format, copy, surround features - full support G16 (polar coordinate), G51 (scaling), G52 (shift work offset), G68 (coordinate rotation), G65 / G66 (macro subprogram call), G98, G99, repeat canned cycle (L and K) - supporting for Haas G70 Bolt Hole Circle, Haas G71 Bolt Hole Arc, Haas G72 Bolt Holes Along an Angle - circular interpolation supported by using (I, J, K or R) - supporting for old FANUC repeat subprogram syntax (for example:P120001, 12 - number of repetitions, 0001 - subprogram name) - supporting FANUC (4digits) and HAAS program title format (5digits) - metric/imperial mode - syntax checker (G-code analyzer, open brackets etc.) - reading file with EOB ( ; ) / not or mix - output syntax highlighting - save/save as/open file/clear - save/open file with extension: txt - auto file save (1s, 2s, 4s) - custom look (2 themes, font color, font size) Languages: - English - Français - Deutsche - Italiano - Español - Suomi - Nederlandse - Svenska - Norsk - 한국어 - 日本語 - Dansk - Polski - Magyar - Pусский - Português - 中文 - Türkçe - Melayu - हिन्दी - اَلْعَرَبِيَّةُ - Română - Lietuvių - Latviešu - Eesti keel - Slovenský - Český - Ελληνικά - Tiếng Việt Thank you for purchase Macro Terminal CNC
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Tousek TST100 VS.
Macro Terminal CNC

декабрь 15, 2024