Cheff Recipes против Home-Chefs Использование & Stats
Meet your new cooking coach! Over 300 Tasty recipes now at your fingertips; an all-new Step-By-Step instruction mode; ‘Chef Recipes’ page which serves as your very own mobile cookbook, and an innovative Search tool that allows you to filter by any Food Category or country you’re in the mood for!
- Get step-by-step instructions on how to cook every single recipe.
- Watch the latest videos from "Chef Recipes" before your friends do.
- Get recommendations for your next meal based every day.
- Filter by categories Beef,chicken,Dessert,seafood, vegetarian ...
- 2 Languages Supported (English, Arabic).
- Light/dark mode.
- Recipes from different countries.
- easy to use.
- Apple App Store
- Бесплатный
- Еда & Напитки
Рейтинг магазина
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If you are a home food lover and busy and do not have time to cook or you are an expatriate or cannot find someone to cook for you or you are tired of street food, here is your place for all.
And if you are a fan of cooking and expert in that and want to open your kitchen or restaurant from your home, here is the largest gathering of professional home cooks and people with a passion for cooking as well.
We are a platform that aims to provide home food of all kinds (individual or group meals - invitations - pastries - sweets - pickles - drinks - food on the settlement...), everything that can help the housewife in the kitchen has to do with food, through "home kitchens inside Homes" (From the house to the house) is the company's logo.
ن كنت من محبى طعام المنزل و مشغول و ليس لديكم الوقت للطبخ أو انت مغترب أو لا تجد من يطبخ لك أو مللت من طعام الشارع،،، فهنا مكانكم جميعاً.
وإذا كنت من محبى الطبخ وتبرع فى ذلك وترغب فى فتح مطبخك او مطعمك من منزلك فهنا أكبر تجمع لطباخى المنازل المحترفين و اصحاب الشغف بالطبخ أيضاً.
نحن منصة تهدف إلى توفير الطعام المنزلى بكافة أنواعه (وجبات فردية أو جماعية - عزائم - معجنات - حلويات - مخللات- مشروبات- طعام على التسوية…)، كل ما يمكن ان يساعد ربة المنزل فى المطبخ له علاقة بالطعام وذلك من خلال "المطابخ المنزلية داخل المنازل" (من البيت .. الى البيت) شعار الشركة.
- Apple App Store
- Бесплатный
- Еда & Напитки
Рейтинг магазина
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декабрь 16, 2024