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SOS EU ALP vs MeineÖGK Usage & Stats
The app "SOS EU ALP" (formerly name "Notfall App für Tirol") reads your position (x, y coordinates) from your smartphone. In case of an emergency, this position will be used to inform the appropriate rescue coordination centre (Tyrol, South Tyrol or Bavaria).
It may be used in case of an emergency where you need medical care (by air or ground), get rescued from water or mountains or need the fire brigade.
In case of an emergency the activated app will start a telephone call with the emergency call center (only if the position of the smartphone is in Tyrol or South Tyrol). At the same time the collected data is sent. This makes it possible to receive help quick and efficient.
Outside of the borders of Tyrol, South Tyrol and Bavaria emergencies are reported to the appropriate rescue coordination centre too. In such cases the app calls 112 but do not send any data.
Participating control centers (countries):
*) "Leitstelle Tirol" (www.leitstelle.tirol) for the province of Tyrol (Austria)
*) Emergency centre of the province of Bolzano / South Tyrol (Italy)
*) Emergency centres in Bavaria (Germany)
This app is supported actively by EUSALP (EU startegy for the alpine region).
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Österreichische Gesundheitskasse (ÖGK)
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ноябрь 26, 2024