Notam Helper аналитика приложений для 14 февраля

Notam Helper

Notam Helper

  • Mark Bateman
  • Apple App Store
  • Платный
  • Навигация
This app the second in the "pilot helper" series is aimed at helping you out with all those pesky acronyms and contractions. This application is for professional and private Pilots. It is a compact search tool used to help with NOTAM / Weather Contractions (Acronyms) either inflight or on the ground. On the Ground this app helps you interpret complex NOTAMs and un-decoded METARs/ TAF’s / Area Forecasts, etc.. As a pilot you often review your NOTAMS again in the air when close to your destination as a reminder, it is impractical to go looking up contracts at this stage of the flight but this app makes that simple. Simply type in the first few characters of the contraction and the list will narrow down showing you the definition you need to understand the information you have. E.G. if looking for the meaning of "PAEW" you just type in part of the contraction "pa" and you will see the list narrow down to similar contractions with the definition adjacent to it in this case “Personnel and Equipment Working”.
Notam Helper

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Notam Helper Статистика рейтинга с течением времени

Рейтинг использования Similarweb и рейтинг Apple App Store (Notam Helper)

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Notam Helper VS.

февраль 14, 2025