RoxyWellness против heyvie: migraine coach Использование & Stats

Are you tired of struggling to understand essential oils? Confused how to use them? How often? For what? Where to put them? What is safe and what is not? So you have this bottle of lavender …what next? With RoxyWellness, you can easily look up each oil and the myriad of uses and safety information. At your finger tips look up 550+ health concerns and tips. Plus testimonials, all combined into one convenient app. We are the only app that provides REAL user tips and testimonials for every common ailment. Look up a concern, find recommended oils and recipes to use, read reviews and other user experiences and testimonials including recipes. Exclusive and immediate access to hours of videos. What are essential oils? What’s next? Nutrition & Supplements, Toxic Free Living, Skin Care, Women’s Health and Hormones, Metabolism, Lifestyle, Emergency, Discomfort, Intimacy and more! Exclusive access to monthly promotions, Upcoming events, How to easily manage your monthly orders and much more. We are dedicated to keeping RoxyWellness up to date with the latest products! You can expect frequent updates with the newest oils and products as they are released. Included: * REFERENCE GUIDE: oil usage, uses, benefits, and safety information. Convenient smart search that lets you search by name of oil or concern * RECIPES: Access to hundreds of recipes with new ways to get the most out of your oils * NOTES: Create and save your own notes for any oil, recipe or concern. * TESTIMONIALS: Real user reviews on each oil and recipes. Share your story! We love to hear from you. Don’t miss out on the benefits of RoxyWellness download the app today! *A purchase of a starter package is needed to become a member and use the app. Exclusive for current and active Team Bliss VIP clients.
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Learn to deal with your migraine and say hey to your new life, with heyvie - your digital migraine coach. The heyvie app is your digital migraine coach: use a neurological program, a migraine diary und many more pieces of content to change the ay you think, feel and act about your migraine. You will learn to deal with your migraine long term and find the exercises, that really benefit you. We use the newest findings from migraine research and neuroscience to give you a program that is based on short, but incredibly effective exercises. You can do them daily to prevent and stop your migraine. Hady, a physician and neuroscientist, developed a migraine program that uses simple movements to identify and activate areas of your brain, that are responsible for your individual migraine. After a quick creation of your own neurocentric profile, you will receive 3 exercises that you do 3 times per day for one week. The exercises are simple to execute, but tailored specifically to your brain, activating areas like your trigeminal nerve, brainstem, cerebellum or vagus nerve. See for yourself what others are saying about the program: “Training with heyvie is a gamechanger for me!” - Anna had migraines for almost 20 years. “5 minutes. 3 times a day. 100% more quality of life!” - Ivonne had migraine for 14 years. LEARN TO DEAL WITH YOUR MIGRAINE, FOREVER + Create your neurocentric profile, a map of your brain on migraine + Weekly exercises to prevent and stop your migraine + Migraine diary to track your migraine, medication and lifestyle + Activities like meditation, neuroflows, yoga or solfeggio frequencies + Education around migraine and neuroscience APP USAGE & PRICES Downloading heyvie is free of charge. You can test heyvie for free and without a subscription. + Create your individual neurocentric profile + Try the first 3 exercises (week 1) of the migraine program + Free migraine diary + Free library with education, tips and activities If you want to only unlock the migraine programs you can buy the programs forever. + Migraine 1: 29.99 € (4 weeks) + Migraine 1 - 3: 59.99 € (12 weeks) Prices are valid for customers in Germany. In other countries or currency zones, prices may be converted according to the local exchange rates. Disclaimer: Please consult your doctor and get your migraine checked before and while using the heyvie app. Terms and conditions: Privacy: Imprint: Loyalty program:
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RoxyWellness VS.
heyvie: migraine coach

декабрь 15, 2024