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- Karzoun Chat Vs. Pubbles App
Karzoun Chat против Pubbles App Использование & Stats
المنصة العربية الاولى لإدارة رسائل جميع منصات التواصل الإجتماعي في مكان واحد
واتساب انستغرام تويتر فيسبوك والمزيد
كرزون شات تجمع جميع الأدوات اللازمة لإدارة المحادثات وبناء العلاقات وإسعاد عملائك وتزيد من تفاعل نشاطك التجاري في مكان واحد
- Apple App Store
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Рейтинг магазина
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- Why?
As social media platforms are designed for public use, people find it difficult to openly express their activities and opinions with their inner circle without the fear of being judged.
- What?
Pubbles is a social networking app, the concept behind it revolves around privacy and community, allowing users to freely express themselves.
- How?
Allowing users to create their own private "pubbles" and privately express their events and activities with their community.
Most social medial platforms are designed for public exposure. This exposure caused a problem to many people, it made them feel unsafe and restricted. The exposure made it difficult to share their activities and thoughts with their inner circles freely without any judgment since platforms are designed that way.
- Our Solution
Pubbles is a social networking app that allows users to create their own private "Pubbles" and privately express their events and activities with their community. The concept behind Pubbles revolves around privacy and community, allowing users to freely express themselves.
- Apple App Store
- Бесплатный
- Социальные сети
Рейтинг магазина
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Karzoun Chat vs. Pubbles App ranking comparison
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декабрь 15, 2024