Totality Wallet против Beacon Hill Использование & Stats

What is Totality Wallet? Totality Wallet is a safe Electrum based storage Wallet which allows users to send and receive supported coins to anyone else who also has a wallet. Currently as of version 0.1.4 Totality supports Bitcoin, Litecoin, Digibyte, Dogecoin, Sumcoin proof of stake and Sumcoin POW with more to come. Coin holders can trade with other people for whatever they negotiate. This is known as Peer to Peer trading. What Totality Wallet is not: Totality Wallet is not a company or exchange service, broker, advisor, middleman or trade facilitator. More details to follow. • There aren't any hidden servers to backup or store your coins, you're in control 100%. • Backup and recover your wallet on any device with the 'recovery phrase' generated by the app. Even if you lose your phone you will not lose your coins. • As long as you store the (24) generated words in order (EXAMPLE: #1-#24) keep in a vault and NEVER share, you can have complete confidence in being your own bank. • NEVER backup your recovery words using a camera/photo • Send and receive coins at the touch of a button, anytime, anywhere and to anyone else using a wallet with the same coin.
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Totality Wallet VS.
Beacon Hill

декабрь 15, 2024