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- זוהר יומי Vs. Zohar Ha'Sulam
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כל עמודי ספר הזוהר עם פירוש מתוק מדבש, זמינים לקריאה באפליקציה בלבד
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We believe that a person has a purpose in his life, and Judaism's role is to reveal it to him and help him reach it. Why should we graze in foreign fields, when in Judaism we find the greatest beauty in the world and infinite wisdom. Whoever discovers the secret of Judaism, there is no one happier than him in the world.
In the app you can taste the rich library of Baal Hasulam. Starting with books of thought and thought that are written in a language equal to every soul, through the books of God's work, and ending with the deep interiority of the wisdom of Kabbalah.
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זוהר יומי VS.
Zohar Ha'Sulam
ноябрь 26, 2024