myCVA против CropX – Farm Management Использование & Stats

Non-logged in users will see cash bids, futures, news, and locations. CVA Customers who are logged in will also see grain ticket details, grain contract details, and grain storage. Growers can take advantage of real-time harvest information and receive push notifications when a new scale ticket is available. To ensure you’re correctly setup with your CVA account(s), you will need three identifying pieces of information from a CVA invoice to create your account: 1) CVA account number, 2) CVA site number, and 3) Invoice number or settlement number.
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CropX is an easy-to-use integrated hardware and software system that connects farm data, real-time conditions and agronomic recommendations, all while keeping farm data in one place for easy tracking and sharing. Take action using CropX to get recommendations and alerts, boost crop profits, save on input costs, and keep track of your activities and data. With the CropX mobile app, you have everything you need to: Install and communicate with CropX soil sensors, CropX telemetry gateways, and many other field monitoring devices, allowing you to track soil, water, and crop conditions with high precision in near real-time. Access agronomic recommendations, tools and data about irrigation, nutrient leaching, soil salinity and temperature, fungal disease risks, spray applications, crop progress and spatial variability, rainfall and ET data, weather outlooks, farm machinery data, effluent and lagoon manure management, variable rate, and more. Create and share records, including field boundaries, scouting notes, agronomic recommendations, farm records, data reports, as-applied data, and more. The CropX System synthesizes data from soil to sky on a user-friendly app capable of managing numerous farms and fields from one account. Soil sensors, satellites, farm machinery and a wide array of data sources power the generation of predictive agronomic insights and advice displayed to users on a simple yet powerful dashboard.
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CropX – Farm Management

декабрь 15, 2024