CropStand - Washington State против Farm Fresh Finder Использование & Stats

CropStand helps you get closer to your food by showing you all of the farm stands in your area and what they have, so that you can find what you need and buy it directly from the farmer. As a farmer, you can use CropStand to give your farm stand an online presence and connect with the local food community, list the produce you have, manage your inventory. Be an active member of your community and help shorten the distance between people and their food: - visit local farm stands, see where your food is grown and meet the farmers. Help strengthening the local farming community by using CropStand to pay for those farm stand produce. - easily list your farm stand and sell the produce you grow yourself.
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Find it Local From produce to bakeries, search various categories to find local food providers near you. Reduce your food miles and carbon footprint by buying direct from Vendors. Agri-Tourism Wherever you are, plan your itinerary by using the Experiences category. From animal encounters to wine tastings, our app has you covered to find local attractions.
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CropStand - Washington State vs. Farm Fresh Finder ranking comparison

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CropStand - Washington State VS.
Farm Fresh Finder

декабрь 17, 2024