Smart Coder против AirvineMobile Использование & Stats
Spare more efficiently and gain patented flexibility with Integra's suite of Smart Coder products. These powerful devices give network engineers and field techs the power to quickly reconfigure transceivers for any network hardware! Now with the Smart Coder2, we offer Bluetooth connectivity with our mobile app, leaving you the flexibility to code when and where you need to! With Integra's Smart Coder Mobile app, you can easily recode transceivers as many times as needed, conduct diagnostic monitoring on both Integra and non-Integra branded transceivers, recode cabled transceivers and easily select parts and platforms with our user-friendly interface.
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AirvineMobile is a tool that manages Wave Tunnel devices. It allows you to set up, configure, and monitor the WaveTunnel network.
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декабрь 15, 2024