StrideLinx Portal против AD-Connect Использование & Stats

StrideLinx Portal is the new mobile app for StrideLinx Cloud, allowing for easy and secure access to your machines, equipment and installations all over the world via any mobile device. Features: • Secure VPN connections via the app to your machines • Direct access to your HMI, PLC or robot in the StrideLinx Portal app via VNC or HTTPS • Access to all your machines, equipment and installations at any time • Insight into machine status on the go with intuitive data widgets in dashboards optimized for mobile • Push notifications with real-time updates about important machine warnings, alarms or events • Extensive user and access rights management with the ability to enforce two-factor authentication Support: • Documentation at • Ask the ADC community StrideLinx Cloud. The next generation IIoT platform for all remote machine service and maintenance management.
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ADConnect provides users the ability to do 4 main things: 1. Monitor current dairy status (milk tank levels/temps etc). 2. Control automated systems by adjusting settings remotely. 3. Send push notification and text alerts to select users when critical alarms are active 4. Provides a secure portal for remote engineering tech support of control systems to promptly fix any issues and push updates when necessary to reduce costly travel costs.
  • Apple App Store
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StrideLinx Portal vs. AD-Connect ranking comparison

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декабрь 14, 2024