ElevateWorship.Online против Key Radio KEYK Использование & Stats

The online praise and worship station is presented by Connect Media Ministries and will create an atmosphere of worship anywhere you listen.
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The mission of Key Radio is to create a new type of “public square” so that citizens of our community can share their talents, skills, and perspectives in relation to life in the Ozarks. It will be a local voice in an information age otherwise controlled by giant corporations, national politics, and infotainment media personalities. We provide this app to supplement our radio programming by giving you enhanced insight into the stories and personalities proving content for the radio station. Local communities understand local issues like nobody else. Or to put it another way, New York and Washington, D.C. cannot speak rationally about how our community, or any local community, should operate. This fact extends to every aspect of community. It would be illogical for Lake of the Ozark to adopt planning and zoning standards developed for Los Angeles. Or to adopt gun laws developed for Chicago. Or to construct high-rise buildings like they do in Manhattan. Nor can national media be used to inform local residents regarding local politicians or businesses or attractions. We need local media to highlight local concerns. There is no substitute. Key Radio features local “Content Providers” who contribute one-hour weekly programs supported by donors contributing to production costs. Each content provider will provide support for the station and will specialize in one of the categories of Business, Religion, Family Issues, Learning and Education, Government, Media, and Arts and Entertainment. We teach people how to do this.
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ElevateWorship.Online VS.
Key Radio KEYK

декабрь 19, 2024