Papa Rocks Pizza Pub против Primo Pizza & Pasta Использование & Stats

Download the App for Papa Rocks Pizza Pub and enjoy savings, special offers, loyalty rewards and everything this pizza parlor/bar/banquet space has to offer. Any way you slice it, your smart phone just became a money-saving information station full of great deals, great food, great drinks and a social hub. Drop in and enjoy some pizza and beer as you cheer on your favorite sports team, dial up an order of pizza or wings, check out the fundraising options and more – all conveniently at your fingertips. Whether you bring the kids in for a family meal or join your friends at the bar, tap the App for great deals and savings from Papa Rocks Pizza. The App from Papa Rocks Pizza provides: • An exclusive download offer • Loyalty rewards • Notification center • Menus and media gallery • Food and drink specials The App is FREE and you will receive your first reward soon after it is downloaded. Papa Rocks Pizza Pub in Monroeville, Pennsylvania offers a rockin’ option to burgers and franchised fast food. From fried pickle appetizers and pretzels to seafood, pasta and belly busting sandwiches, Papa Rocks has it all – including some of the most delicious, cheesy homemade pizza in the Pittsburgh area. Carry home a meal, cheer on your favorite team, drop in for happy hour or make it a night full of food, fun and great drinks. Enjoy the savings and benefits of the App from Papa Rocks Pizza Pub - any way you slice it.
  • Apple App Store
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Download the app for Primo Pizza and Pasta and delight in the discounts as your devour delicious pizza, pasta, calzone, salads and more. Primo offers great specials any way you slice it. Scroll through and check out their flavorful menu, gluten-free options, beer and wine choices, desserts and SAVE! Tap the app for online ordering and pick up a meal to go, or have it delivered. Planning a party? Primo Pizza and Pasta can help you plan for a casual event featuring finger foods and snacks to a more formal, sit-down meal with savory Italian cuisine and even dessert. The pizza is primo, the pasta is primo and so are the app savings from Primo Pizza & Pasta. The Primo Pizza & Pasta app provides: • An exclusive download offer • Loyalty Program • Menus including beer and wine • Photos • Food and Drink Specials • Discounts & Special Offers The Primo Pizza & Pasta app is free and you will receive your first reward soon after it is downloaded. Primo Pasta & Pizza in Carlsbad, California is your one stop restaurant for casual (and more formal) authentic Italian cuisine. Known for gourmet pizza, savory pasta, calzone, fresh, crisp (and creative) salads, Primo Pizza & Pasta combines old-world traditional deliciousness with convenient, fast, easy app technology. The app makes ordering online for carry out or delivery convenient, easy and budget friendly. C’mon in for one of their daily specials and add up the savings on a punch card. Enjoy one of Primo’s decadent brownies for dessert and remember that the savings are yours when you use the app from Primo Pizza & Pasta.
  • Apple App Store
  • Бесплатный
  • Еда & Напитки

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Papa Rocks Pizza Pub vs. Primo Pizza & Pasta ranking comparison

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Papa Rocks Pizza Pub VS.
Primo Pizza & Pasta

декабрь 15, 2024