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- Tripp Trapp Träd Vs. Play ABC, Alfie Atkins
Tripp Trapp Träd против Play ABC, Alfie Atkins Использование & Stats
Utforska och lär med Tripp, Trapp, Träd!
Upplev och skapa tillsammans med UR:s språkstärkande och begrepps-utvecklande app för pedagoger och förskolebarn, kopplat till Lpfö18.
- Styra över årstider och väder
- Projicera mönster och miljöer
- Skapa personliga böcker och memory-spel
- Forma och granska småkryp
- Programmera djurdanser i Holken
- Arbeta med sagor, sånger och program
Appen kan användas i förskolan för att träna grundläggande förmågor som reflektion, turtagning och empati. Målet är att väcka nyfikenhet och inspirera till lärande-aktiviteter både inom och utanför appen, samt skapa en grund för dialog och interaktion.
Tic Tac Tree is a multimedia platform, developed for preschool teachers. The app can be used to practice fundamental skills such as reflection, turn-taking and empathy. The goal is to spark curiosity and inspire activity both within the app, and in real life, as well as create a foundation for dialogue and interaction. The content corresponds to the Swedish curriculum for preschools.
Sveriges Utbildningsradio AB (UR) är en del av public service med fokus på att stärka kunskap och bildning. UR:s program utgår från användarnas behov och finns fritt tillgängliga under lång tid. På så vis utgör UR en kunskapsbank som bidrar till ett livslångt lärande.
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Play with letters, sounds and words together with Alfie Atkins. Children love learning new things through play. This app, Play ABC, Alfie Atkins, stimulates children's language learning skills by clearly connecting the function and purpose of letters in an experimental, playful way.
Alfie has some extraordinary devices in his room: a letter tracer, a word machine and a puppet theatre. With the letter tracer, children will learn the appearance and sound of all letters and train their motor skills and muscle memory by drawing and tracing letters on the screen. Using Alfie's homemade word machine, children will spell new words using phonemes and letter tips. All new words are sent to the puppet theatre, where children use their creativity and imagination to tell fantastic stories. This playloop, with concrete results, has a motivational effect and helps children develop their language skills at their own pace.
Play ABC, Alfie Atkins is developed by language teachers and game designers. It was created and tested in collaboration with teachers and students of schools in Finland and Sweden. The app has been developed based on children's needs and does not feature points, time limits or other elements that could lead to failure or stress. Children will play and learn using the app on their own terms and at their own pace, in preschool, at school or at home.
Play and learn:
• The sounds, phonemes and names of letters
• How to trace letters
• How to spell around 100 different words
• How to read simple words
• Upper and lowercase letters
• Fine motor skills and eye-hand coordination
• The basics of literacy
• Creative storytelling
The app is available in 6 different languages, and the full version allows the creation of individual profiles for multiple children.
Alfie Atkins, Willi Wiberg, Alphonse, Albert Åberg, Alfons Åberg – the popular character created in 1972 by Swedish author Gunilla Bergström, goes by many names. He is one of the most well-known Nordic children’s characters, known and loved by generations of children and parents through the best-selling series of books. Kids from 3 to 9 years old will love the game whether or not they already know Alfie.
Please note that family sharing of in-app purchases aren't supported by Apple. So if you want to purchase the full version of the app and share it with family members please purchase the separate premium, full version, of the app available on the Appstore instead.
Gro Play is an xEdu.co alumnus and member of the trade organization Swedish EdTech Industry. Gro Play collaborates with Playful Learning Center, the University of Helsinki, in the development of game-based learning. Please send your suggestions and feedback to info@groplay.com.
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/GroPlay
Instagram: http://www.instagr.am/GroPlay
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/GroPlay
Website: www.GroPlay.com
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