Asking - Mobile Survey Analyst vs Anytime - 輕鬆管理預約(店家版) Uso e estatísticas

The first service based on social networking and mobile questionnaire. Generating questionnaire on mobile phone quickly without learning. Using your social networks like WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Line, WeChat, QQ, Email, SMS to send questionnaire to friends real-time. No need to install the app for the other party to answer the questions. Answers are automatically transmitted to cloud and immediately visible to the sender, who can use Asking on mobile phone to query the most up-to-date analytical result. Therefore, by using Asking’s real-time cloud analytical services, you can make your friends of all sorts of expertise your personal consortium of consultants. After conducting surveys of small sampling among friends, if larger sampling is needed, Asking can also provide reliable public survey platform in which the respondents are verified via their mobile phone numbers and automatically control the quality of responses to ensure the correctness of answers. The cost per survey is low and the response is real-time. Number of samplings can be added or the survey can be stopped anytime. When needing survey, from now on, you get rid of the costly and time-consuming traditional survey consulting companies. Reasons to have this service now • You like to generate a on-line questionnaire without hard learning • You like to do an efficient survey all on your iPhone without doing dirty work on PC • You like to get the survey responses right on your iPhone as soon as possible • You don't like to do dirty job for data analysis; Asking's cloud computing will do it for you • Your friends receive and answer your questionnaire in web format without app installed • You like your social networking circle to be your free advisers • You like to have more survey samples besides your networks; Asking has the public survey section working for you [Features] • The user interface is specially designed for mobile platform • Many basic components are provided to help users design a questionnaire efficiently • Photos and videos can be added to questions • URL inserted in questionnaire will be auto-detected for further browsing • More than 100 survey templates for use immediately • The preview mode for testing before sending out • Creating folders to categorize surveys • Share folders enable your team to collaborate on surveys and view survey results • Integrated with popular social network apps, directly sending surveys to friends or groups via these apps • Generating QR code for your survey. The QR code scanner helps to scan a QR code for opening a survey. • The analysis result will be generated in real-time through Asking's cloud computing • Receiving push notifications when your survey gets new replies. Tap the notification to view the survey result immediately. • Cross analysis function to view their other replies on respondents of any choice • The analysis result can also be exported as PDF, Excel/Numbers/SPSS(CSV, TSV) • Web version is available for working on PC or Mac • Easily check all current account details within app • Provide public survey section to collect more survey samples in unbelievably low budget • Earn rewards by replying others' surveys within app
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  • Apple App Store
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Asking - Mobile Survey Analyst versus Anytime - 輕鬆管理預約(店家版) comparação de classificação

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Asking - Mobile Survey Analyst VS.
Anytime - 輕鬆管理預約(店家版)

15ezembro d, 2024