Glückskinder Team vs Børn Check-in Uso e estatísticas

With Glückskinder Team from Glückskinder GmbH you can administrate everything about the daycare, including the children, parents and teachers. Glückskinder Team is a tool for creating diaries, news, bulletins, accessing the children’s index cards, as well as communicating with other users and much more.
  • Apple App Store
  • Gratuitos
  • Educação

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Børn Check-in from Assemble A/S helps you keep track of when a child arrives and leaves the daycare centre. It also tracks who is picking up a child, or if a child is allowed to go home by themself. In the process, it also helps you keep track of what child is on the premise. This works by using the app to register that a child is on a field trip or at a specific location, such as the playground, gym, game room and so on. If a user has registered the child as being sick or on holiday the app displays this. This feature is optional.
  • Apple App Store
  • Gratuitos
  • Educação

Ranking da Loja

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Glückskinder Team VS.
Børn Check-in

janeiro 5, 2025