RSL Central vs ST Asset Tracking Uso e estatísticas

An easy-to-use app to get started with onsemi Bluetooth Low Energy wireless microcontrollers and periphery devices. RSL Central scans for and establishes a Bluetooth Low Energy connection with onsemi Bluetooth Low Energy wireless microcontrollers. The app displays fields such as measured battery level, voltage, current, LED status, push button status, or others depending on the onsemi wireless microcontroller and configuration.
  • Apple App Store
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With the ST Asset Tracking app, you can configure and set-up the threshold of Asset Tracking Bluetooth Low Energy device and NFC Sensor. The app communicates with the FP-ATR-BLE1, FP-SNS-SMARTAG1, FP-SNS-SMARTAG2, FP-ATR-ASTRA1 functional packs firmware running on an STM32 microcontroller, which manages the specific environmental and motion sensor data logging activity. The app also supports Astra board that has NFC and short / long range connectivity (BLE, LoRa, and 2.4 GHz and sub 1-GHz proprietary protocols). The app lets you change sampling intervals, choose which sensor data is logged, and the conditions that trigger data logging. Once configured, the app is starting to track the position, environmental and motion sensors and allows the user to send recorded data to the ST AWS dashboard. The data collected on dashboard can be consulted through charts and filtered through time intervals up to 7 days before. For more information, visit the ST Asset Tracking web pages on .
  • Apple App Store
  • Gratuitos
  • Serviços básicos

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RSL Central VS.
ST Asset Tracking

14ezembro d, 2024