Stock Stickers vs Uso e estatísticas
Calculates the fair price of a stock based off of current metrics and predictions.
Search for stocks to see if it's under- or over-valued, letting you know if it's a good time to buy that stock.
Default watchlist includes 10 of the most popular S&P 500 stocks. Purchase PRO features to create a custom watchlist to quickly see if it's a good time to buy a stock.
Purchasing PRO features includes a custom watchlist as well as access to all future PRO features.
The information provided in this app is for educational purposes only. Investing in the stock market has risks and you can lose some or all of your money. This app should not be used as a guarantee that recommended stocks will perform well. For more information, view our Terms of Service.
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98% of texts are opened and 89% of your customer prefer them to phone calls and emails.
SMS text messaging is the best way for a business to both reach out to customers and for customers to reach a business. We make it easy, including the ability to text enable your current business phone number. Start connecting with customers today.
Start sending text messages to your epoxy customers in seconds, use text & SMS to:
Confirm appointments.
Market special offers.
Connect with customers searching on Google.
Convert leads into customers.
Save time and resources
Still making phone calls to confirm estimates or reach out to new customers? Not only is this process time consuming it’s ineffective and inefficient. Using SMS you and your customers can quickly exchange messages without having to wait for a time when both parties are free. Many customers quickly see upwards of 50% time savings per staff member when using text vs the phone.
Generate customer reviews
More Reviews = More Customers -- Raise your Google rankings and improve your SEO by automatically generating more positive customer reviews. Fully automated or manual, cross-post great reviews to social media and your website automatically.
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14ezembro d, 2024