Holyrics vs Voluts Uso e estatísticas

Consult Holyrics software data for PC and control the presentation of Bible lyrics and verses. Slide projection. Playlist ● List with all registered songs. - Search specific terms to find the song you want; - View the song lyrics, annotation and history; - Start a presentation on your computer via your smartphone. Playlist ● Playlist selected in the Holyrics program on the computer. Songs Played ● List of the most played songs in the informed period and their respective dates. - You can filter the list by selecting the specific days of the week you want. Schedule ● Schedule of members. Services and Events ● List of all services and events. - View the songs and scheduled members. Members ● List of all members registered in the program. Bible Remote Control ● Screen to start and control the presentation of Bible verses on the computer. - Access the last selected verses by the history button. Receive Transmission ● Screen to mirror the slide displayed on the computer or receive lyrics transmitted by another smartphone. Updates - Update smartphone data through the computer. - Or via the internet. (You need to create an account through the Holyrics program and upload the files) ------------------------------------------------- Holyrics - Software Slide show and Bible verses. Agility, practicality and organization in the presentation of lyrics and verses. Solution for projecting slides, lyrics and Bible verses.
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O Voluts é um aplicativo completo para gestão de voluntariado em igrejas. O app oferece uma experiência prática para que os líderes possam montar as escalas de voluntários diretamente pelo celular e para que os voluntários possam ter a escala na palma da mão!  Para o líder de departamento: Crie facilmente a escala de voluntários evitando conflitos de disponibilidade;Valide o perfil de voluntários;Comunique-se com sua equipe. Para o voluntário:Confira sua agenda de escalas com praticidade;Solicite trocas facilmente caso haja imprevistos;Faça o seu check-in. Com o Voluts, servir fica ainda mais fácil.
  • Apple App Store
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Holyrics VS.

fevereiro 14, 2025