jumpers fitness vs TRC Pharmacology Usage & Stats
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Diese App integriert HealthKit
- Google Play ストア
- 無料
- ヘルス & フィットネス
The Teaching Resource Centre (TRC) Pharmacology is meant for medical or biopharmaceutical students, but also very useful for any health care professional.
The TRC and TRCapp provides basic pharmacological knowledge: pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, and drug mechanisms in context of (patho)physiology.
Each topic includes graphic(s) in the TRC icon language, explanatory texts and questions with feedback. The TRC covers most relevant drugs prescribed in Europe. Each drug topic has references to the Dutch national formulary (Farmacotherapeutisch Kompas) or the British National Formulary (choose preference in the settings menu).
The TRC can be used as a reference or as self-study tool during courses throughout the medical curriculum. The TRC helps students to obtain pharmacological knowledge providing a consistent, user friendly, recognizable, and structured presentation in order to optimize learning efficiency. Students may choose to browse through the extensive library, or use the search option in the main menu.
We strive to make this application the best resource for mechanisms of drug action in the context of physiology and pathophysiology by creating each topic in cooperation with an expert from the field. Graphics, texts, questions, and other reference data are provided to enhance the understanding of the user.
The App is kept up to date with the newest drugs and thus updated regularly, but please notify us using the feedback button in the settings menu.
- Google Play ストア
- 無料
- 教育
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jumpers fitness対TRC Pharmacologyランキング比較
と過去28日間の jumpers fitness ランキング傾向を比較 TRC Pharmacology
jumpers fitness#6,668
jumpers fitness vs. TRC Pharmacology ranking by country comparison
と過去28日間の jumpers fitness ランキング傾向を比較 TRC Pharmacology
jumpers fitness VS.
TRC Pharmacology
11月 26, 2024