Photo & Picture Resizer のアプリ分析 2月14日

Photo & Picture Resizer

Photo & Picture Resizer

  • Farluner Apps & Games
  • Google Play ストア
  • 無料
  • 写真
Resize photo size in a fast and easy way. The easy-to-use image resizer app helps you quickly downsize photo size or resize photo resolution. It can be used for text messages, e-mails, Instagram, Facebook, web forms, etc to adjust photo size. If you want to resize photos quickly, Photo & Picture Resizer is a perfect choice. Photo resizer allows you to easily reduce image size without losing quality. You don’t have to manually save resized pictures, because they are automatically saved in a separate folder titled ’Pictures/PhotoResizer'. Image resizer for your Android device is a utility app that lets you downsize photos by selecting the right resolution. Photo resizer is an app designed to help you resize images quickly and easily. Image resizer performs one simple task like resizing the image in a fast and easy-to-use way. This image resizer maintains the picture aspect ratio by providing a resolution list based on camera resolution. Photo resizer helps you resize photos before posting them on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Reddit, Tumblr, Google+, VKontakte, KakaoTalk, etc. When you send the e-mail with the attached pictures, you will often find that the e-mail exceeds the message size limit. For example, if your email account allows you to send messages up to 5 megabytes (MB) and you include just two pictures in the attachment (today’s pictures taken by a phone or tablet camera are about 5 MB), you will probably exceed the maximum message size. In this case, this image resizer app is very helpful, because it helps to avoid exceeding the maximum message size limits associated with most email accounts. Downsize photos before composing the e-mail and then attach much smaller pictures. Image resizer Features: * Batch resize (multiple photos resize) * Original pictures are not affected * Resized pictures are automatically saved in the output folder * Very good quality of the resized photos * Photos resized several times do not lose quality * Browsing photos by gestures * Reducing photo size preserves original quality and aspect ratio * Very good compression result (4MB picture is shrunk to approx. ~400 KB - for resolution 800x600) * Adjust resolution to 1920x1080, 2048x1152 (2048 pixels wide and 1152 pixels tall) or custom * Adjust aspect ratio to 2x3, 16x9, or custom * Downsize photo for Instagram, Facebook, Whatsapp, printing * Adjust photo size * Scale image size * Enlarge photo * YouTube banner maker 2048x1152 * Resize photo to KB, MB The photo size editor can easily be: * Sent via email or text message * Shared to social media (Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Flickr, Discord, VKontakte, KakaoTalk, etc.) Having a high definition camera on your phone with thousands of megapixels per inch is great, but if you can't send your pictures to your friends, you might as well throw your phone and charger in the snail mailbox and ship it off to your friend, right? Never again! Our photo resizer will solve your issues and downsize photos! Users love this image resizer app! This is the best image resizer for you.
Photo & Picture Resizer

Photo & Picture Resizer使用ランク


業界別 ウェブサイトカテゴリーで


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期間中のPhoto & Picture Resizerダウンロード数と毎日のアクティブユーザー数を表示して、Photo & Picture Resizerユーザーの使用パターンを分析。


Photo & Picture Resizer時間の経過に伴う ランキングの統計

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Photo & Picture Resizer VS.

2月 14, 2025