MediQuo Medical Chat - Online vs Head Atlas Usage & Stats

Do you have medical questions? Do you want to be able to ask a reliable source? Stop looking for medical information on the Internet. Download mediQuo and ask a healthcare professional directly. They will provide you with a personalized and truthful opinion. With mediQuo's medical chat, you'll be able to ask specialists in an easy and simple way through your smartphone. Being a part of the mediQuo community opens up hundreds of possibilities to manage your and your children's health from anywhere. You'll be able to chat as much as you need with doctors and specialists who will instantly answer your questions. 24-HOUR MEDICAL CHAT WITH HEALTHCARE SPECIALISTS Advantages Doctors available 24/7 Immediate response from all medical specialists Unlimited consultations, ask doctors as much as you need Sending photos, videos, analyses and reports to the doctor What kind of consultations can I make? Gynecology: pregnancy, fertility, maternity, breastfeeding, childbirth, contraception, period, vaginal infections Pediatrics: vaccination, medication for children, baby feeding, chickenpox, measles General Medicine: headache, fever, asthma, flu, cold, mucus, stomach pain, migraine, allergies, pharmacy, cholesterol, hypertension, diabetes, thyroid Psychology: anxiety, stress, depression, self-esteem Nutritionist: diets, overweight, recipes, obesity, fasting And much more: chat with specialists in dermatology, cardiology, urology, sexology, personal trainer, or couples therapist. How does it work? Ask your healthcare adviser online. First, they will analyze your history and symptoms in order to solve your doubts and guide you towards a personalized solution. They will then put you in contact with the different medical specialists who will give you specific recommendations on your health and well-being. Activate the Premium plan and get unlimited access to all these specialists. You can choose the day, month or year plan, depending on your needs. What will you find in mediQuo? Medical chat Chat with licensed doctors in different specialties. If you are looking for a dermatologist, cardiologist, gynecologist or pediatrician, you'll be able to chat with all of them. Lead a healthier life and improve your well-being. Chat with nutritionists and personal trainers to create your personalized training and diet plan. Your mental health and peace of mind are very important. Chat with an online psychologist who will guide you to better cope with your day to day life. When doctors are online, they will be marked in green, so you'll be able to make your medical questions. When they are offline, they will be marked in red, so they'll reply whenever they are online again. Blog Daily information on healthcare. You can find information on everything: From fertility, pregnancy, breastfeeding, baby feeding or medication for children, to detection and treatment of illnesses such as diabetes, hypothyroidism or hypertension. As well as articles related to nutrition, exercise and sport or psychology. If you are a doctor and need to conduct consultations with your patients or mediQuo users, download the mediQuo Pro app. >DOWNLOAD MEDIQUO AND CHECK ANY MEDICAL QUESTION INSTANTLY<
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A growing library of tools for neuroanatomy learning and a dashboard with news and other resources. The module “Skull&Intracranial Atlas” is a full 3D and Augmented Reality atlas for studying neuroanatomy on mobile devices. You can access more than 2500 labels and descriptions and use 3 different visualization tools to dissect (on 3 axes), isolate, explode anatomical structures. This module provides a variety of scientific texts organized into three cognitive levels, from general overviews to highly specific definitions, to facilitate learning and memorization. Head Atlas also contains the module “ARTouch” where you can observe neuroanatomy in a hybrid way using a physical model called AnatomyTouch, available on the UpSurgeOn store. FEATURES * 3D and Augmented Reality neuroanatomy models * Every single structure (Skull bones, Vascular and nervous system) can be reached and interacted with. * It is possible to rotate models to any angles and zoom in and out * Hide structures to reveal the anatomy below and transparency functions on isolate view * Anatomical details organized into groups of labels and hotspots. * 2500+ labels and descriptions of details and sutures * Different neuroanatomical visualization tools * New modules coming soon
  • Google Play ストア
  • 無料
  • 医学


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MediQuo Medical Chat - Online対Head Atlasランキング比較

と過去28日間の MediQuo Medical Chat - Online ランキング傾向を比較 Head Atlas

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MediQuo Medical Chat - Online vs. Head Atlas ranking by country comparison

と過去28日間の MediQuo Medical Chat - Online ランキング傾向を比較 Head Atlas

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MediQuo Medical Chat - Online VS.
Head Atlas

11月 26, 2024