Weigh My Truck のアプリ分析 2月14日
Weigh My Truck
- CAT Scale Company
- Google Play ストア
- 無料
- マップ & ナビゲーション
Before you download, please make sure to set up an account at https://www.weighmytruck.com.
CAT Scale’s Weigh My Truck™ application revolutionizes how professional truck drivers weigh their truck. Weigh My Truck™ allows professional truck drivers to weigh their truck, pay for the transaction via PayPal®, EFS, Comdata, ACH, or Credit Card and get the weights displayed right on their smartphone without leaving the cab of their truck. The Weigh My Truck™ app will also email a PDF copy scale ticket or weight information text file to up to five email addresses the driver specifies, saving the driver time that could be spent on the road instead of finding a place to park and standing in line.
If the driver does need a hard copy scale ticket for billing purposes, they can still pick up a printed CAT Scale ticket at the fuel desk within an hour after weighing using the Weigh My Truck™ application.
Professional truck drivers are able to create an account online that will store basic truck information and email preferences, as well as keep a record of past weigh transactions.
Weigh My Truck使用ランク
業界別 ウェブサイトカテゴリーで
マップ & ナビゲーションで
期間中のWeigh My Truckダウンロード数と毎日のアクティブユーザー数を表示して、Weigh My Truckユーザーの使用パターンを分析。
期間中のWeigh My Truckダウンロード数と毎日のアクティブユーザー数を表示して、Weigh My Truckユーザーの使用パターンを分析。
Weigh My Truck時間の経過に伴う ランキングの統計
Similarwebの使用ランクとWeigh My Truck向けGoogle Play ストアランク
Weigh My Truckの国別ランキング
メインカテゴリ Weigh My Truck で最もランクが高い郡
2月 14, 2025