Piraeus app vs myAADEapp Usage & Stats

The Piraeus app has been redesigned to offer you an improved banking experience through a modern, upgraded, friendly, easy-to-use and modern experience. From the dashboard page you can explore an overview of your relationship with Piraeus Bank, and you can also easily initiate a new transaction. Also, the dashboard page has been enriched with the "Piraeus in the spotlight" section where you can find propositions that promote your banking relationship, as well as the "Stories" section where you can find short articles of general interest with important new information. From the "Deposits" section, you can view a summary of your account balances or a detailed view of your transactions for each account. Selecting an account, you can initiate multiple transactions from the Transact button. In addition, you can open a new account. From the "Cards" section you can manage your debit, credit, and prepaid cards. You can also view the balances and transactions of your cards, make a card payment, block temporarily a card, issue a new card, set new card limits, manage card controls management and much more. From the "Loans" section you can view important information about your loans. From the "Insurance" section you can view important information about your insurance products. From the "Investments" section you view important information about your investment products. Security management: - Setup security features for Quick login (4-digit PIN or biometric authentication for compatible devices). - By activating the app’s notifications, the extraPIN code is automatically received and submitted by your device when authentication is required for your mobile app transactions. You just confirm the transaction using your quick login, saving time with increased security. For any further information, or assistance in your banking experience, you can contact us through supportebanking@piraeusbank.gr The service is provided under the current restrictions on capital transfers.
  • Apple App ストア
  • 無料
  • ファイナンス


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myAADEapp is the official mobile app of the Independent Authority for Public Revenue (Greece), which enables citizens and businesses to view their tax account and make payments using their payment card with instant processing time. In addition, through the application, users can update the IBAN of their bank account for receiving tax refunds and have access to their appointments, the requests they have sent to IAPR and the messages they have received. Finally, in the myWallet section, users can download and save useful documents such as certificates and tax returns while receiving real-time personalized notifications on issues tailored to their needs.
  • Apple App ストア
  • 無料
  • ファイナンス


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Piraeus app対myAADEappランキング比較

と過去28日間の Piraeus app ランキング傾向を比較 myAADEapp



Piraeus app vs. myAADEapp ranking by country comparison

と過去28日間の Piraeus app ランキング傾向を比較 myAADEapp

業界別 ウェブサイトカテゴリー





Piraeus app VS.

11月 26, 2024