富昌金業 vs PC Wealth Xpress使用状況と統計
富昌金業有限公司 (牌照編號: M236) 是富昌金融集團成員之一,為客戶提供網上黃金/白銀買賣服務。同時富昌金業更是香港金銀業貿易場AA資格牌照行員 (行員編號: 239)。獲認可為千足黃金煉鑄商,可自行鑄造印有富昌公司商標的9999金條,提供實物黃金買賣服務。
富昌金業使用獲英國金融管理局 (FCA) 授權和監管的英國LMAX交易商提供的報價交易系統,交易直達LMAX平台,與花旗、匯豐、JP Morgan等大行看齊,公平、公開、公正。
1) 系統完善: 落單速度快如閃電,設有定單及已平交易搜尋功能,買賣價位、盈虧數據一目了然
2) 實用工具: 支持多個開倉及止損平倉指令,更提供多種平倉方法及期限,讓您輕鬆投資
3) 全面功能: 24 小時隨時隨地查看戶口資料、結餘及資產、交易紀錄等,全方位查看交易狀況
4) 安全可靠: 每宗交易直達系統交易平台,絕無對賭,交易完全透明,而且不會有價格偏差,令您安心又放心
官網: https://www.fbgold.com.hk
客服熱線: +852 3108 3333
客服WhatsApp: +852 9319 2289
客服電郵: cis@fulbright.com.hk
微信公眾號: ffgofficial
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“PC Wealth Xpress”, is a global wealth management platform introduced by PC Securities Limited, a subsidiary of PCSFG. It provides a comprehensive range of asset management services, allowing you to easily constructs and manage your investment portfolios. It also helps investors to grab hold of opportunity and make smart investing decision.
The new user interface design is clearer, simple and easily navigated. The optimized features comprise:
1. Investment Strategy - Vast information, keeping abreast of global market news
2. Super Account - Manage local and overseas assets at your fingertips
3. Clear Iinterface - Clear access to financial information
4. Real-time Quote - To help you stay on top of the markets and your investments
“PC Wealth Xpress”is your fundamental APP for investment and financial management! Download and experience now!
If you have an online trading account with PC Securities Limited., you may simply log in with the same login name and password. If you have any enquiries about this service, kindly contact our customer service hotline at (852) 3950 3288.
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富昌金業対PC Wealth Xpressランキング比較
と過去28日間の 富昌金業 ランキング傾向を比較 PC Wealth Xpress
富昌金業 対 PC Wealth Xpress 国の比較によるランキング
と過去28日間の 富昌金業 ランキング傾向を比較 PC Wealth Xpress
12月 15, 2024