番茄闪轻-轻断食减肥食谱计划定制 vs Fasting - Intermittent Fasting使用状況と統計

「番茄闪轻」是一款帮助你减肥的APP,在这里你不需要每天在健身房挥汗如雨,不需要斤斤计较卡路里饿肚子;输入你的身高体重等信息,即可生成你的减肥计划;番茄闪轻涵盖轻断食、生酮减肥、哥本哈根等全球流行的减肥方法,通过改变饮食结构,将你的身体改造成“燃脂机器”。 核心功能: 【食谱计划】 定制你的私人食谱,每天吃什么,什么时候吃,都帮你计划好 食谱计划符合大众的饮食习惯,适用于白领、宝妈、大学生等不同人群 针对不同的场景和需求,选择适合你的食谱,例如轻断食食谱、外卖食谱、食堂食谱、居家食谱... 【断食追踪】选择你想执行的轻断食计划,APP会监督提醒你按照每天的断食时段和饮食时段去执行,在断食期间,你可以随时打开APP查看身体正在发生的变化~ 【数据记录】 记录每天的饮食、运动、喝水量、体重等数据 自动生成每天/周/月报表,身体变化趋势一目了然 【运动跟练】 HIIT、燃脂、尊巴…海量健身课程,专业教练运动视频跟练,记录每天运动训练量 运动均衡搭配饮食,带你塑造完美身形 【热量查询】 30w+数据,食物卡路里与营养元素清晰可见,放心吃 超多运动热量查询,快来看看你每天的运动消耗情况吧 【喝水提醒】 自定义提醒时间,饮水目标设置,有趣的提醒文案等你来发掘 【营养建议】 营养师针对你每天的饮食,给出专业的营养建议,助你“食半功倍” 【免责申明】 番茄闪轻不涉及任何医疗手段及诊疗目的,所提供的食谱与计划仅供参考,用户若患有疾病,长期服药或其他可能影响方案施行的,应根据自身健康状况进行评估,必要时请在医生或其他医务人员指导下进行。 番茄闪轻提供的任何方案,均不能代替医生或其他医务人员的诊断和建议,番茄闪轻也不会提供任何医疗诊断或医疗建议,用户应理性对待,若用户对其自身健康状况评估错误或对番茄闪轻的方案判断错误,应当自行承担相应的后果,番茄闪轻不对用户作任何类型的担保,也不承担任何责任。 改变,从这里开始!和「番茄闪轻」一起,重塑你的健康饮食习惯,开启属于你的美丽修行,一起变美变瘦吧! 番茄闪轻 VIP自动订阅说明 *会员套餐:番茄闪轻 VIP月卡,订阅价格:68元/月 全部会员功能 *会员套餐:番茄闪轻 VIP年卡,订阅价格:128元/年 全部会员功能 *会员套餐:番茄闪轻 永久会员,价格:168元 全部会员功能 会员权益:订阅期间可享受套餐内对应服务功能。 *付款:用户确认购买并付款后计入iTunes账户。 扣款说明苹果iTunes账户会在到期前24小时内扣费扣费成功后订阅周期顺延一个订阅周期 *取消订阅如果需要取消订阅,请打开苹果手机“设置”->进入“iTunes Store与App Store”->点击“AppleID”,选择“查看AppleID”,进入账户“设置”页面,点击“订阅”,选择取消订阅即可。如未在订阅期结束的至少24小时以内取消订阅,下个周期的订阅服务将自动续订。 隐私政策:https://privacy.imfasting.cn/tomato_health/privacy_policy.html 用户协议:https://privacy.imfasting.cn/tomato_health/user_agreement.html
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Unlock the power of intermittent fasting to reach your goal weight and get healthy. No diet and no yo-yo effect. Improve your metabolic health and feel full of energy. What is intermittent fasting? Intermittent fasting is one of the most popular health and fitness trends. Instead of a diet, it's an eating pattern that cycles between periods of fasting and eating. It doesn't specify which foods you should eat or avoid, but when you should eat. Today, we eat 3–4 (or more) meals per day, and never feel hungry. This requires our organs to work hard all the time, and never take a break from digesting. Our eating habits may result in obesity and health problems, such as diabetes. When fasting, your body will detoxify, burn fat and regenerate. After a few weeks, you'll feel healthier and more active. Gradual fasting plans, suitable for all! Create your own fasting plan 13-11, 15-9, 16-10, 16-8, 18-6, 20-4, 23-1, 24, 36, 48, Custom 5+2 Weekly Plan : During the week, eat normally for 5 days, and choose another 2 days for a little control.Women take 500Kcal and men take 600Kcal on fasting days. You can choose to take it all at once, but a better choice is to divide 600Kcal into two meals, 250Kcal for breakfast and 350Kcal for dinner. The food should preferably be some food with high protein content but low glycemic index (GI). It is not recommended to completely eliminate carbohydrates. When eating, chew slowly and savor well. The fasting days need to be separated, such as Monday and Thursday. This light fasting plan is healthy, effective and easy to implement, allowing you to lose weight easily while enjoying the other benefits of fasting. It can be performed long-term, gradually turning it into a healthy lifestyle. 16-8 is the most popular fasting plan for weight loss. With 16 hours fasting period, your body will gradually get used to fasting. Body Status Tracker : Blood Sugar Rises Blood Sugar Falls Glycogen Reserve Drops Ketosis State More Features : - Track your weight changes - BMI(kg/m²) - Water tracker - Drink water reminder - On 'Record' Page, you can click 'Start' in the 'Daily Steps' card to read step count data from Apple Health Privacy Policy : https://wowfitness.github.io/Privacy-Policy/ Terms of Use : https://wowfitness.github.io/Terms-of-Use/
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番茄闪轻-轻断食减肥食谱计划定制対Fasting - Intermittent Fastingランキング比較

と過去28日間の 番茄闪轻-轻断食减肥食谱计划定制 ランキング傾向を比較 Fasting - Intermittent Fasting



番茄闪轻-轻断食减肥食谱计划定制 対 Fasting - Intermittent Fasting 国の比較によるランキング

と過去28日間の 番茄闪轻-轻断食减肥食谱计划定制 ランキング傾向を比較 Fasting - Intermittent Fasting

業界別 ウェブサイトカテゴリー


ヘルス & フィットネス


番茄闪轻-轻断食减肥食谱计划定制 VS.
Fasting - Intermittent Fasting

3月 15, 2025