- ホーム
- アプリ分析
- Zain Smart Security
- Zain Smart Security Vs. R-AIView
Zain Smart Security vs R-AIView Usage & Stats
The App allows businesses to protect their people, assets, and facilities, while featuring Smart video surveillance management and advanced analytics capabilities that cater to the evolving surveillance needs. Zain smart surveillance offering goes beyond pure video surveillance to offer analytics and ‘camera as a sensor’ capabilities.
- Apple App ストア
- 無料
- 生産性
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R-AIView is a professional mobile video monitoring software, with the specified DVR, IPC, NVR and others.
1.Local login、register log in、change Password、forget password
2.Modify device (modify device name, user name, password)
3.Device settings (password management, time setting, device information)
4.Real-time preview (intercom, monitoring, playback, PTZ control, etc.)
5.Cloud events (alarm recording file storage)
6.Photo album
7.Super Password Retrieve
8.About (App version information display)
9.User management (modify user password)
- Apple App ストア
- 無料
- 生産性
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Zain Smart Security対R-AIViewランキング比較
と過去28日間の Zain Smart Security ランキング傾向を比較 R-AIView
Zain Smart Security vs. R-AIView ranking by country comparison
と過去28日間の Zain Smart Security ランキング傾向を比較 R-AIView
Zain Smart Security VS.
11月 26, 2024