Mazadar vs Chinese Dragon Restaurant使用状況と統計
Ordering your food with us is now easy, convenient and fast. Download our free app today to join our loyalty program with exclusive access to our menu, coupons and reward points.
- Apple App ストア
- 無料
- 食品 & 飲料
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Do you love to order food online from our restaurant? Use this app to personalize your experience and benefit of the easiest, fastest way to order your favorite food.
- Online food ordering optimized for your mobile device.
- The checkout details are pre-filled, so you can order with just a few clicks.
- Save multiple addresses and pick the preferred one at checkout.
- Real time confirmation of the order - meaning that the restaurant staff confirms your order right away, with the estimated ready-time.
No middle-man, no confusing call-center, no over-promises. This is just between you and the restaurant.
- Apple App ストア
- 無料
- 食品 & 飲料
- -
Mazadar対Chinese Dragon Restaurantランキング比較
と過去28日間の Mazadar ランキング傾向を比較 Chinese Dragon Restaurant
Mazadar 対 Chinese Dragon Restaurant 国の比較によるランキング
と過去28日間の Mazadar ランキング傾向を比較 Chinese Dragon Restaurant
業界別 ウェブサイトカテゴリー
食品 & 飲料
12月 19, 2024