录音机-录音转文字助手 vs WonderNote-Minimal notetaking使用状況と統計

《录音机-语音备忘录音转文字助手》是一款支持实时录音和录音转文字的手机录音软件。 【录音转文字】 录音转写,轻松转换。选择录制的语音,通过转文字功能,轻松将会议纪要,通过文字的方式呈现。 【语音备忘】 简单实用,点击录制按钮即可开始录制音频,开会,访谈,记要点。可以统统通过语音的方式记录备忘。 【录音剪辑】 任意导出多种方式,音频,文字等内容,录音文件更小更清晰。 -取消续订:如需取消续订,请在当前订阅周期到期前24小时以前,手动在iTunes/Apple ID设置管理中关闭自动续订功能。 -续订:苹果iTunes账户会在到期前24小时内扣费,扣费成功后订阅周期顺延一个订阅周期。 -ELUA:https://voice-dan.laoyingnianhua.com/eula.html
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App store boutique recommendation: won the apple editor's Choice Award, ranking first in app stores around the world, often the first. Students, teachers, artists and professionals enrich their lives by remembering every day. Taking notes is just the starting point; Find inspiration, capture creativity and release creativity by thinking. Create memorable media notes • a range of note taking, journal and drawing tools are available, such as ink, highlighter, text and audio. • mark the imported textbooks, manuscripts, course slides, class assignments and pictures. • create notes quickly with a series of templates, with customizable spacing and background. • strong mathematical formula presentation, breaking the barrier of formula problems. • the function of unlimited scrolling helps you explore endless ideas. • add photos, notes, diaries, etc. to present a unique sense of design. • audio recording, unlimited continuous recording. • all notes can be uploaded to the cloud. Only you dare to think, I dare to write them down. Without paper, you can stay in order • take notes with you, but there is no weight, trouble or waste paper. • group notes with customizable themes and folders. Write and sketch naturally • the ink tool has been optimized and adjusted for Apple pencil, which can bring the most sensitive and accurate writing experience in history, including the gesture of switching the tool twice with a tap, erasing, and so on. • accurately erase free ink or shapes with brushes of various sizes. • use the favorites toolbar to quickly switch between ink or eraser. Recording and playing audio • record the contents of lectures and meetings to improve the utilization of such information. • play back the recording, tap anywhere in the note to play back what you said at that moment. • continue recording, recording and playback modes can be switched freely, and recording files can be backed up safely with icloud. Share ideas with demonstration mode • when the external display is connected, the viewpoint content can be displayed in full screen without displaying distracting toolbars. • use the 18 tools you want to remember to attract the attention of the audience, such as laser pens. Improve memory efficiency by using multi calendar mode function • calendar account to quickly remember events. • quickly switch notes, drag and drop handwritten content, input text, pictures, etc. Enter anywhere, click "+" and remember what you want • a fully functional, left aligned typing tool with word count and various fonts, custom fonts, font sizes and colors. • create outlines, interactive checklists, and text boxes. Import and share • one click export long image sharing, this app does not have any sharing restrictions • long picture has the function of quick Preview --- Download want to remember for free on iPhone, and enjoy the experience of editing and want to remember with certain restrictions. Unlock unlimited note taking and advanced content by making a purchase. Purchasers can access: • unlimited editing, automatic backup support and icloud synchronization. • unlimited number of notes can be added. • unlimited number of calendar notes can be added. --- For technical assistance, please contact our team: 390388109@qq.com I want to remember that it is colorbase.studio Daniel's registered trademark.
  • Apple App ストア
  • 有料
  • ユーティリティ


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录音机-录音转文字助手対WonderNote-Minimal notetakingランキング比較

と過去28日間の 录音机-录音转文字助手 ランキング傾向を比較 WonderNote-Minimal notetaking



录音机-录音转文字助手 対 WonderNote-Minimal notetaking 国の比較によるランキング

と過去28日間の 录音机-录音转文字助手 ランキング傾向を比較 WonderNote-Minimal notetaking



录音机-录音转文字助手 VS.
WonderNote-Minimal notetaking

12月 15, 2024